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install4j Release 11
This release adds

  • macOS notarization is now cross-platform, so you can fully build all media files on Linux or Windows
  • PKCS #11 code signing improvements
  • Windows code signing improvements
  • Major new features in the script editor
  • Major improvements for compiler variables
  • Added actions to read and modify JSON files
  • Improved support for symlinks
  • Improved support for reusing the installed JRE in update installers
  • Support for dark mode in the initial progress dialog of Windows installers (Windows 11+)
  • New language: Ukrainian
  • Improved Gradle plugin

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 14
This release adds

  • Full support for virtual threads with a virtual thread async tracking type (new in Java 21)
  • Added a garbage collector probe
  • Full support for JFR snapshots
  • Added support for JFR recording, also on remote machines, local or remote Docker container or on Kubernetes
  • Added a gRPC probe and a gRPC remote request tracking type
  • Near-zero overhead for full sampling when profiling Java 17+
  • Improved probe events view
  • Telemetry improvements
  • Improved current monitors and locking graph views
  • Improved thread history and probe time line views
  • Flame graph improvements
  • Attach mode improvements

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

install4j Release 10
This release adds

  • Support for Windows on ARM
  • Support for Apple App Store submission
  • "Add a Windows firewall rule" action
  • Undo/​Redo functionality for all modifications in the install4j IDE
  • Support for default values for bean properties with a gutter marker for non-default values and a context menu action to reset the default value
  • Static configuration of file associations and URL handlers for macOS
  • Optionally global single instance mode
  • On Windows, the per-user single instance mode now optionally covers all active sessions
  • Configurable Unix desktop file settings for external launchers
  • When building on Linux/​macOS, the existing file and directory modes can now be used
  • Support for headless JREs on Linux
  • Improved development experience for background updaters
  • Improved access right modifications on Windows
  • Dark mode for documentation

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 13
This release adds

  • Support for attaching to JVMs running in a Kubernetes cluster
  • Support for attaching to JVMs running in Docker Desktop on Windows and macOS
  • Support for attaching to OpenJ9 JVMs
  • Improved attach functionality
  • Support for profiling OpenWebStart
  • Sunburst diagram for the biggest objects view of the heap walker
  • Support for the Reactor Netty web client
  • Support for the Spring Webflux HTTP client
  • Spring component detection
  • Dark mode for documentation

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

install4j Release 9
This release adds

  • Customizable look & feel with dark mode
  • Added Amazon Corretto and Azul Zulu JDK providers
  • Universal binaries mode for macOS to support Intel and Apple Silicon at the same time
  • Improvements for JRE bundling
  • Suppressible warnings and total warning count
  • Added a Maven plugin
  • Configurable setup application for macOS single bundle archives
  • Configurable post-installation and pre-uninstallation applications for Linux RPM and DEB archives
  • "Request privileges" action: Added support for Linux
  • Search for IDs, names, property values, and comments in the Screens & Actions view, form component dialogs and styles
  • More flexible configuration of top-level files in DMGs

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 12
This release adds

  • Flame graphs
  • Support attaching to JVMs in Docker containers
  • Support for profiling on Alpine Linux
  • Support for profiling macOS arm64 JVMs
  • Support for Netty in the new HTTP Server probe
  • Improved attach functionality
  • Attach functionality now supports JVMs started with -agentpath
  • Improved NetBeans plugin
  • Support for Jakarta EE 9
  • New cross-platform look and feel
  • Localization to Simplified Chinese

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

perfino Release 4
This release adds

  • HTTP probe
  • Dark mode
  • Responsive UI
  • Recording of JFR snapshots in VMs view and with a trigger action
  • Webhook trigger action
  • Trigger action for taking shallow memory snapshots
  • LDAP authentication
  • Display options for the y-axis in telemetries

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 11.1
This release adds

  • Async sampling mode without safe-point bias on macOS and Linux
  • Native sampling on macOS and Linux
  • Support for opening JDK flight recorder snapshots
  • The new outlier detection view shows methods that have exceptionally slow invocations with respect to their average time
  • Async tracking now works with sampling
  • A "Show threads" action to the call tree and hot spot views to show all threads that contain the currently selected call stack
  • Improvements for call tree removal
  • Improvements for telemetries

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

install4j Release 8
This release adds

  • Support for notarization on macOS
  • Support for PKCS#​11 hardware tokens and the Windows keystore for code-signing on Windows
  • MSI wrapper for Windows installers
  • New on-demand JRE bundle creation with automatic download from the OpenJDK providers AdoptOpenJDK, Liberica and JetBrains Runtime
  • Cross-platform support for registering URL handlers
  • File associations and URL handlers for macOS archives
  • File associations for Linux/​Unix desktop environments
  • Improved support for Linux .desktop files
  • Explicit systemd support
  • Many new features for compiler variables
  • Improved configuration of installer variables
  • Improved live binding of installer variables
  • New form components
  • Improved log file handling for the installer
  • New documentation that has been rewritten from the ground up
  • New light and dark look and feels based on IntelliJ IDEA with HighDPI support for Windows and Linux

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 11
This release adds

  • HTTP probe for outgoing requests
  • Remote request tracking for HTTP requests
  • Improved async call tracking
  • Async tracking for Kotlin Coroutines
  • New light and dark look and feels based on IntelliJ IDEA with HighDPI support for Windows and Linux
  • Non-interactive mode for jpcontroller
  • Automatic filter detection for IDE integrations
  • Allocation sampling
  • Improved session settings
  • Improved support for IBM and OpenJ9 JVMs
  • SSH connection improvements
  • Heap walker improvements
  • Support for profiling Java 12+

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 10.1
This release adds

  • New documentation that has been rewritten from the ground up
  • Redesigned APIs for custom probes
  • Script probes that can be configured directly in the JProfiler UI and allow you to add payloads to the call tree, similar to the SQL strings of the JDBC probe
  • A Gradle plugin for automating profiling and invoking the command line tools
  • New merged reference views in the heap walker
  • Class and class loader groupings in the biggest object view in the heap walker
  • Support for the MongoDB Async Driver
  • Support for running the JProfiler UI and all command line tools on Java 9
  • Support for profiling Java 10

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

install4j Release 7.0
This release adds

  • Full Java 9 support
  • Background auto-update functionality
  • Flexible styling for installers
  • Many enhancements to form components
  • Form templates instead of fixed customizable screens
  • Form functionality in standard screens
  • Native file chooser and alert dialogs on Windows and macOS
  • Single instance mode for Linux/​Unix launchers
  • Improved support for installing without admin privileges
  • Enhancements for macOS installers
  • Enhancements for service installations
  • New actions for extracting archives

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 10.0
This release adds

  • Zero-configuration remote attach and HPROF heap dumps via SSH
  • Complexity analysis view for analyzing the Big-O behavior of selected methods
  • Improved call tree analyses
  • Heap walker improvements
  • "JVM exit action" in the session startup dialog for saving and immediately opening a snapshot when the JVM exits
  • Improved remote integration wizard
  • Major new features in the IntelliJ IDEA plugin

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

perfino Release 3.0
This release adds

  • Micro service-friendly licensing scheme, with one perfino license you can now monitor an unlimited number of JVMs
  • An overload protection mechanism now prevents service degradation due to misconfiguration
  • Database improvements
  • Problems view in the dashboard
  • Improved transactions view in the dashboard
  • Drill-down directly from the dashboard
  • Transaction timeline for call tree and hot spot views
  • Telemetry improvements

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 9.2
This release adds

  • Probe call tree view
  • Exceptions probe
  • Merging and unmerging of call tree splitting on the fly
  • Call tree removal action for "what if" scenarios, also limiting the displayed data in hot spots view and call graph
  • Quick info for selected call tree nodes in the node detail dialog
  • Set root functionality and call tree analyses in allocation views
  • Improved snapshot user-experience
  • Heap walker improvements

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

install4j Release 6.1
This release adds

  • Major compilation performance improvements
  • RTL support with 2 new languages: Arabic and Hebrew
  • Added a "Modify ZIP file" action
  • Added a JDBC container action
  • Configurable action lists for "Button" and "Hyperlink action label" form components
  • Support for passing file lists from build systems or from the command line
  • More robust startup of Windows installers
  • Improved "Uninstall previous installation" action
  • Improved "HTTP request" action
  • Launcher improvements
  • Improved control flow for action groups

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 9.1
This release adds

  • Connection leak detection in the JDBC probe
  • Built-in SSH tunneling for remote profiling
  • Telemetry overview showing all system and custom telemetries together
  • Diff view for thread dumps
  • Thread locals inspection in heap walker
  • Support for profiling modularized applications on Java 9
  • Support for profiling on Linux ARMv8
  • Improved graphs
  • Call tree analysis views

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 9.0
This release adds

  • MBean browser
  • JavaScript XHR tracking from the browser into a profiled VM, with call tree splitting in the call tree view
  • Custom telemetries, featuring MBean attribute and script data sources
  • Multi-level HTTP call tree splitting, with freely configurable scripts
  • Method splitting in the call tree
  • Heap walker improvements

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

perfino Release 2.0
This release adds

  • Free for development with a single VM monitoring and 24 hour historical data
  • New look for the web frontend
  • Added an MBean browser view
  • Configurable telemetries based on MBean data
  • Enhanced Devops telemetries to match capabilities of MBean telemetries
  • REST API for exporting recorded data
  • Probe data in dashboard

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

install4j Release 6.0
This release adds

  • Added a gradle plugin
  • Added properties file actions: "Read a properties file", "Remove keys from properties file" and "Write properties to file"
  • Added JDBC actions: "Check JDBC connection", "Execute SQL query" and "Execute SQL script"
  • Added XML modification actions: "Insert XML fragment into XML files" and "Remove nodes from XML files"
  • Added HTTP and network actions: "HTTP request", "Upload file" and "Wait for Socket"
  • The new "Test installer" tool bar button just recompiles scripts, screens, and actions and updates an existing media file for a fast edit-compile-test loop.
  • Support for very large installers: 4GB on Windows, no limitations on Mac OS X and Unix, and on all platforms with external media files
  • DMGs on Mac OS X
  • Improved launchers on Mac OS X
  • Many other improvements for Mac OS X
  • Response file improvements
  • Java code editor improvements
  • Launcher improvements

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 8.1
This release adds

  • Heap walker: Much larger snapshots can be opened, and no -Xmx tuning is required anymore
  • Heap walker: Opening snapshots is much faster, especially for large snapshots
  • Heap walker: HPROF is offered as a minimum-overhead alternative
  • Added the command line executable "jpdump" for easily extracting HPROF snapshots from arbitrary Java processes
  • Snapshots can now be deobfuscated, with support for ProGuard and yGuard
  • Dynamic legend for all views that show a tree, explaining all icons, abbreviations and special terms
  • Support for profiling on Linux ARM hard float

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

Product launch of perfino

This is the initial release of perfino, a comprehensive and ultra low-overhead Java APM solution.

With perfino, ej-technologies brings a new spirit to JVM monitoring that is based on the experience of more than a decade of technical excellence and innovations in the Java profiling space.

Check out the product page for a high-level overview and the list of features for a detailed presentation of perfino's capabilities.

perfino is available for download and as a live demo.

JProfiler Release 8.0
This release adds

  • Tracking of RMI, web service and remote EJB calls between multiple profiled JVMs
  • MongoDB probe
  • HBase probe
  • Cassandra probe
  • Class loader probe with cross-link into the heap walker
  • Recording profiles for switching on multiple recording types at the same time
  • Support for loading PHD snapshots from IBM JVMs
  • Support for profiling Java 8
  • Heap walker improvements

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 7.2
This release adds

  • RMI probe
  • Web services probe
  • Offline profiling can be set up with the jpenable command line utility
  • URL request splitting in the call tree is now support for sampling as well
  • Heap walker improvements
  • IDE plugin for eclipse 4.​2

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

install4j Release 5.1
This release adds

  • Integrated code signing for Windows and Mac OS X
  • Support for OpenJDK on Mac OS X
  • Support for JRE bundling on Mac OS X if OpenJDK is used
  • New privileges architecture where the installer GUI always runs in unelevated mode and actions are elevated on demand, depending on the new "Action elevation type" property of installer applications, screens, groups and actions
  • Improved "Run executable or batch file" action

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 7.1
This release adds

  • JPA/​Hibernate probe with support for Hibernate 3.​x, Hibernate 4.​x, EclipseLink 2.​3+ and OpenJPA 2.​1+
  • Probe tracker for tracking selected hot spots or control objects over time

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 7.0
This release adds

  • Probes for JDBC, JMS, JNDI, servlets, files, sockets and processes
  • Custom probes with API and direct configuration in the JProfiler GUI
  • Request tracking in the call tree view for executors, AWT, SWT and thread start
  • Inspections view in the heap walker
  • Primitive value and script filters in the outgoing references view of the heap walker
  • Action for displaying the toString(​) values of objects in several heap walker views
  • Redesigned references and graph views in the heap walker
  • History in the call tree view
  • Analyze long-running AWT events in the call tree

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 6.2
This release adds

  • New profiling mode: Attach JProfiler GUI to running JVMs, also from IDE integrations
  • Enable remote profiling for running JVMs with the new jpenable command line utility
  • A command line controller for profiled JVMs is provided with the new jpcontroller command line utility
  • Improved filter selection in the session settings dialog

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

This release comes at no charge to customers of the 6.x series. We appreciate your feedback and bug reports.
JProfiler Release 6.1
This release adds

  • Full support for Java 7
  • Much better support for loading extremely large snapshots
  • Heap analysis is now stored for future use
  • Support for debugging and profiling at the same time
  • Creation of archives with the profiling libraries for remote platforms
  • Improved handling of the choice between sampling and instrumentation

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

This release comes at no charge to customers of the 6.x series. We appreciate your feedback and bug reports.
install4j Release 5.0
This release adds

  • Improved elevation of privileges on Windows and Mac OS X
  • Major improvements for installer variables, compiler variables and i18n messages
  • More flexible and usable IDs
  • Improvements for actions that operate on files
  • Launcher integration for custom installer applications
  • Improvements for the auto-update functionality
  • Extensive support for Windows users accounts
  • Improvements for service actions
  • Improved handling of custom code and resources
  • Corruption detection and checksum verification for installers and downloaded components
  • Support for Windows processes
  • Improvements for file distribution
  • Improvements for JRE bundling
  • Many new actions
  • Improvements for form components
  • Layout groups and tabbed panes in form screens
  • More flexible configuration of installer applications
  • Merging of other projects allow the modularization of your installers
  • Index pane for the installer that is configurable in the install4j IDE and via the API
  • Support for creating Debian archives

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 6.0
This release adds

  • Current locking and locking history graphs
  • Thread dumps view
  • Method statistics view
  • Exceptional method runs: Analyze the slowest executions of selected methods in detail
  • "Tree map" view mode in all call tree views and the biggest objects view of the heap walker
  • Auto-tuning for dynamic instrumentation: Methods with disproportional overhead will be suggested for a list of ignored methods
  • Simplified manual configuration of profiling with a single -agentpath VM parameter for Java 5+
  • Changing profiling settings without restarting the profiled JVM for Java 6+
  • Loading snapshots from IDE integrations
  • Support for FreeBSD x86 and Linux PPC

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

install4j Release 4.2
This release adds

  • Support for including other .vmoptions files
  • Improved persistence of installer variables
  • Support for loading response files in the installer
  • Improved proxy handling and server side authentication
  • Console access for Windows GUI launchers
  • Visual progress for unattended execution

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

This release comes at no charge to customers of the 4.x series. We appreciate your feedback and bug reports.
JProfiler Release 5.2
This release adds

  • Biggest objects view in heap walker showing the objects that retain most memory. You can open the tree of retained objects in place.
  • Significant memory overhead reduction
  • Trigger enhancements
  • Bookmark enhancements
  • Session import and export
  • Command line integration wizard ($JPROFILER_​HOME/​bin/​jpintegrate)
  • View filters for snapshot comparison views
  • Hiding of selected nodes in call tree and hot spot views
  • Support for HP-UX on Itanium
  • Bundled IDE integrations for IDEA 8, JDeveloper 11g and Netbeans 6.​5

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

This release comes at no charge to customers of the 5.x series. We appreciate your feedback and bug reports.
install4j Release 4.1
This release adds

  • New Java code editor with code completion, Javadoc and problem analysis
  • Auto-update functionality
  • Custom installer applications
  • Action and screen groups
  • Redesigned screens & actions tab
  • Code gallery with example scripts
  • File sets in the distribution tree
  • Support for Java 6 splash screens
  • Optional comments on all installer elements
  • Installation types
  • PDF screen and action
  • Actions for changing Windows access rights

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

This release comes at no charge to customers of the 4.x series. We appreciate your feedback and bug reports.
JProfiler Release 5.1
This release adds

  • Tree views of incoming and outgoing references in the heap walker reference view
  • Cumulated references as a tree table in the heap walker reference view
  • Action to select all exclusively referenced objects in the heap walker reference view
  • Type resolution of object arrays in memory views and heap walker when profiling with Java 5+ (JVMTI)
  • Reworked internal source viewer with file structure display, syntax coloring and search
  • Bundled IDE integration for IDEA 7
  • IDE integration for eclipse 3.​4 (M2)
  • IDE integration for Netbeans 6

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

This release comes at no charge to customers of the 5.x series. We appreciate your feedback and bug reports.
JProfiler wins JDJ Readers' Choice Award
We are proud to announce that JProfiler has won the JDJ Readers' Choice Award 2007 by SYS-CON Media in the category "Best Java Profiling/Testing Tool".

We would like to thank our customers for their support in the JDJ Readers' Choice poll. We are confident that our future development will continue to fulfill the high expectations and the trust that developers around the world have placed in ej-technologies' products.

JProfiler Release 5.0
This release adds

  • Powerful triggers and actions
  • Support for reading and writing HPROF memory snapshot files
  • VM telemetries overhaul with additional VM telemetries
  • Redesigned session settings
  • Call tracer view
  • eclipse integration: support for WTP launch configurations
  • JProfiler MBean for controlling the profiling agent

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 4.3
This release adds

  • Profiling platform with API for writing custom profilers and snapshot analyzers
  • Interceptor API for injecting measurements, adding payload to the call tree and creating new hot spot types
  • EJB 3 support
  • Class tracker view
  • Bundled IDE integration for IDEA 6.​0
  • IDE integration for Netbeans 5.​5
  • IDE integration for eclipse 3.​3 M3
  • Thread name changes are now tracked and updated in the JProfiler GUI
  • Action for highlighting the shortest path to the main node in the reference graph of the heap walker
  • Action to use the selected java.​lang.​Class objects in the Classes view of the heap walker

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

This release comes at no charge to customers of the 4.x series. We appreciate your feedback and bug reports.
install4j Release 4.0
This release adds

  • Free configuration of installer and uninstaller screens, see the feature list for a list of available screens
  • Free configuration of actions for each screen, see the feature list for a list of available actions
  • Configurable "Form screens" for designing your own installer and uninstaller screens without custom code
  • Configurable error handling and rollback behavior for actions and screens
  • Possibility to enter custom code snippets in special properties of screens, actions and form components
  • Console installers and uninstallers
  • Multi-language installers
  • Multiple installation roots and "magic" folders
  • Installation component tree with optional component descriptions and dependencies
  • Net installers that download selected components at runtime
  • CD installers with externalized data files
  • Support for Microsoft Vista, including configurable execution level and code signing integration
  • Support for 64-bit Windows launchers that work with 64-bit JREs
  • Extensibility: API based on the JavaBeans specification for adding standard screens, actions, and form components to install4j
  • Optional Pack200 compression for all JAR files

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 4.2
This release adds

  • Support for AIX (AIX 5.​2/5.​3 on PPC)
  • Support for HP-UX (HP-UX 11i on PA_​RISC)
  • Support for Intel Macs
  • Facility for comparing saved snapshots
  • Command line export (and ant task) for saved snapshots
  • Command line comparison (and ant task) for saved snapshots
  • Class nodes in the reference graph of the heap walker
  • Support for finding classloader-related memory leaks
  • IDE integration for JDeveloper 10.​1.3
  • IDE integration for IBM RAD 6.​x
  • Thread monitor view: display creating thread as well as creation stack trace (JVMTI only)
  • Monitor usage history view: display owner thread and its stack trace for blocking events (JVMTI only)
  • Deadlock detection and monitor usage for the java.​util.​concurrent package

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

This release comes at no charge to customers of the 4.x series. We appreciate your feedback and bug reports.
JetBrains chooses JProfiler

JetBrains has selected JProfiler for its 'best of breed' Companion Products program. The easy and powerful integration of JProfiler into IntelliJ IDEA creates a high-productivity duo for Java developers.

JProfiler is now prominently featured on the JetBrains Companion Products site. JetBrains and ej-technologies also announce a joint discount program:

  • IntelliJ IDEA customers can now purchase JProfiler with a 10% discount directly from JetBrains.
  • JProfiler customers receive coupon codes from ej-technologies that give them a 10% discount when purchasing IntelliJ IDEA.
JProfiler wins JDJ Readers' Choice Award
We are proud to announce that JProfiler has won the JDJ Readers Choice Award 2005 by SYS-CON Media in the category "Best Java Profiling/Testing Tool".

"This Award reflects the clear leadership enjoyed in 2005 by ej-technologies with JProfiler in the Java Profiling/Testing Tool space" said SYS-CON Group Publisher & Editorial Director Jeremy Geelan. "We are very proud of Java Developer's Journal's proactive role in helping to facilitate this community-driven process and congratulate ej-technologies and its product team on all the work that underlies the winning of this prestigious Award."

We would like to thank our customers for their support in the JDJ Readers Choice poll. We are confident that our future development will continue to fulfill the high expectations and the trust that developers around the world have placed in ej-technologies' products.

JProfiler Release 4.1
This release adds

  • Support for 64-bit JVMs: Windows/​AMD64, Linux/​AMD64, Solaris Sparc V9 and Solaris Sparc x64/​AMD64
  • Support for Solaris on the x86/​x64 architecture
  • Quick search in all tables and trees
  • Package aggregation level as a tree-table view with direct access to classes
  • IDEA 5 integration
  • Netbeans 5 integration
  • Filtering capabilities for monitor contention views
  • Ant integration
  • Redistributable agent: a new conversion wizard helps you distribute the profiling agent to your customer's machines
  • Automatic config file synchronization for remote profiling
  • Percentage threshold in call graph
  • Exclusive view filters
  • Selectable primary measure (instance count or shallow size) for all objects view and recorded objects view

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

We appreciate your feedback and bug reports.
install4j Release 3.2
This release adds

  • optional LZMA compression for installers
  • option to preserve file times and dates for installed files
  • Mac OS X installers are generated as DMG files, Mac OS X archives as .tgz files
  • new locale for Simplified Chinese
  • all new features from exe4j 3.​1 for Windows launchers

Please see the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

This release comes at no charge to customers of the 3.x series.
Strategic Partnership with jProductivity

jProductivity, LLC and ej-technologies GmbH have announced a strategic partnership that will provide software developers and publishers with seamless integration of their software installation, licensing and protection functions. The companies have linked install4j, a powerful multi-platform Java installer builder and Protection! Licensing Framework for Java into a cross-platform powerhouse which ensures that the software can be easily installed by end-users, and that end-users will adhere to the terms of the applications' licensing agreements.

Protection! from jProductivity is an advanced licensing framework for Java which ensures that users follow the terms of the applications' license agreements. Ideal for the needs of any size software providers, Protection! offers a number of advanced application protection capabilities, various licensing models, powerful GUI utilities, and support for back-office systems.

install4j is a powerful and easy to use cross-platform Java installer that generates native installers and application launchers for Java applications. All major platforms are supported. install4j excels in its ease of use, its tight integration into target platforms, and its flexible JRE management and deployment options.

Availability and pricing

Integrated installation, licensing and protection software will be offered in Q3 2005; licensing terms and pricing will be announced in the near future.

JProfiler Release 4.0
This release adds

  • Measurement of JDBC, JMS and JNDI calls as annotations in the call tree
  • J2EE component detection for servlets, JSPs and EJBs
  • For servlets and JSPs, the call tree can be split for different request URLs
  • Separate hot spot calculation for JDBC, JMS and JNDI calls as well as URL invocations
  • Selectable aggregation level for most views: methods, classes, packages and J2EE components
  • Improved call tree views with enhanced visual feedback
  • "Exclusive deep size" calculation in the heap walker
  • Recording and display of object allocation times in the heap walker
  • New "Time" view in the heap walker that shows a time-resolved histogram of allocations
  • Global bookmarks for all time-resolved graph views
  • On-demand profiling: very small overhead if no CPU or allocation data is recorded
  • New non-blocking startup mode of the profiled JVM for in-production profiling
  • Support for new profiling interface JVMTI in Java 1.​5 and 1.​6
  • New "All objects" view that works without recording allocations (JVMTI only)
  • Substantial reduction of memory consumption and performance improvements

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 3.3
This release adds

  • rewritten eclipse 3.​x integration
  • rewritten IDEA 4.​x integration
  • IDE integration for JDeveloper
  • IDE integration for Netbeans 4.​0
  • considerably reduced memory consumption
  • improved long-term stability for profiling
  • heap walker: in the cumulated incoming reference view, reference holders as well as referenced objects can be displayed and selected
  • option to keep the profiled JVM alive

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

This release comes at no charge to customers of the 3.x series.
install4j Release 3.1
This release adds

  • separation of media file types into "installers" and "archives"
  • new archive types: Windows archive, Mac OS X single bundle archive, Mac OS X folder archive
  • all new features from exe4j 3.​0 for Windows launchers
  • much improved update awareness
  • possibility to create "add-on" installers to distribute patches and plugins
  • smaller JRE 1.​5 bundles by supporting JSR 200
  • possibility to use user variables in the definition of the distribution tree
  • API enhancements and sample code for all custom extension types

Please see the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

This release comes at no charge to customers of the 3.x series.
exe4j Release 3.0
This release adds

  • new API for notification of multiple startups in single instance mode
  • creation of redirection files on demand
  • possibility to redirect stderr and stdout to the same file
  • new process architecture: the started process of an exe4j executable remains the same during the entire execution
  • improved startup error notification
  • possibility to use environment variables in classpath entries
  • full support for UNC path names

Please see the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

JProfiler Release 3.2
This release adds

  • optional line number resolution in call trees and hotspot backtraces
  • export views to CSV data and XML
  • integration wizards now support profiling on remote computers
  • new wizards for converting local sessions to remote sessions and offline profiling sessions
  • option in hotspot views to add filtered classes to calling class
  • reference graph: instances have plus and minus icons for outgoing and incoming references. References can now be hidden.
  • method graph: methods have plus icons for incoming and outgoing calls. Methods can now be hidden by deleting them from the graph
  • possibility to search for arbitrary number of garbage collector roots in the reference view of the heap walker

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

This release comes at no charge to customers of the 3.x series.
JProfiler Release 3.1
This release adds

  • new "net I/​O" thread status in CPU and thread views
  • filtering controls for threads in the thread history view
  • selection of collection contents in the reference view of the heap walker
  • selection of multiple objects in the reference view of the heap walker
  • optional display of object IDs in the reference view of the heap walker
  • possibility to sort instances in the reference and data view of the heap walker by shallow and deep size
  • selection of multiple objects in the data view of the heap walker by flagging them
  • calculation of the deep size of object sets in the heap walker

Please see the what's new page and the change log for more detailed information about new features and bug fixes.

This release comes at no charge to customers of the 3.x series.
install4j Release 3.0
This release adds
  • user variables
  • installation components
  • file associations that can be configured in the GUI
  • custom tasks
  • redesigned management of custom code
  • unattended installations
  • advanced tasks for customizing the installer
  • configurable access rights for directories on Unix platforms
  • improved custom script entry
  • sub-folders in the Windows program group menu
  • reboot option on Windows
  • improved build console
  • HTML Project report
  • a wizard for creating JRE bundles
  • improved error handling for the installer
  • many enhancements in the API, ant task and the installer
JProfiler Release 3.0
This release adds
  • a redesigned heap walker with reference graphs.
  • method graphs for CPU profiling
  • an allocation hot spot monitor
  • a deadlock detection graph
  • undocking of views into separate top-level windows
  • much improved export capability
  • support for recent JVMs, application servers and IDEs
  • performance improvements for long-running applications
  • many smaller enhancements and usability improvements
JProfiler wins JDJ Readers Choice Award
We are proud to announce that JProfiler has won the JDJ Readers Choice Award 2003 by SYS-CON Media in the category "Best Java Profiling/Testing Tool".

We would like to thank our customers for their support in the JDJ Readers Choice poll. We are confident that the upcoming release of JProfiler 3 will continue to fulfill the high expectations and the trust that developers around the world have placed in ej-technologies' products.

exe4j Release 2.2
This release adds
  • protection against extracting JAR files from the executable with external tools.
  • the possibility to select server or client VM for running the application.
  • the possibility to uninstall services if they are currently running.
  • various bug fixes and usability improvements.

This release comes at no charge to customers of the 2.x series.

JProfiler Release 2.4
This release adds
  • improved allocation recording for the dynamic memory views. Memory profiling can now be switched on and off during a profiling session. This can save a lot of memory, makes memory leak detection easier and allows for a tighter focus on problem areas. A new method in the API has also been added for this feature.
  • performance of the path to garbage collector root analysis in the heap walker has been improved considerably. It is now possible to search for a single garbage collector root or all garbage collector roots.
  • a new cross-platform console with dramatically improved performance.
  • the possibility to use the native console on Microsoft Windows.
  • support for recent JVMs and application servers.
  • various bug fixes and usability improvements.
This release comes at no charge to customers of the 2.x series.
install4j Release 2.0

This release introduces two editions, the Enterprise Edition and the Professional Edition.

New features in install4j 2.0 Enterprise Edition:

  • service launchers and installation of services on all supported platforms.
  • custom screens API to insert your own steps into the installer wizard.
  • customization of the installer GUI.

New features in install4j 2.0 Professional and Enterprise Edition:

  • GUI installer for Unix and Linux. Unified installer interface for all supported platforms.
  • custom actions API to execute arbitrary code before and after the installation.
  • dynamic JRE bundling: download a JRE from your server only if no suitable JRE can be found.
  • fine-grained control of overwrite policy, uninstallation policy and Unix file permissions.
  • support for external launchers.
  • Windows XP icons for launcher executables on Microsoft Windows. Added support for 8-bit icon images.
  • version information resource for launcher executables on Microsoft Windows.
  • possibility to limit launchers to a single running instance on Microsoft Windows.
  • custom icons for program group entries in Microsoft Windows.
  • new media file type for Mac OS X that supports multiple launchers.
  • possibility to build only selected media files.
  • various bug fixes and usability improvements
exe4j Release 2.1
This release adds
  • the ability to include a Windows version info resource in generated executables. Please see the "Version info" advanced options step under the "Executable info" step.
  • ability to start and stop services with the /start and /stop command line switches.
  • a VM parameters file. Every generated executable now looks for a VM parameters file with one VM parameter per line. If the executable is named hello.exe, the VM parameters file must be called hello.exe.vmoptions.
  • several bug fixes and GUI improvements.
This release comes at no charge to customers of the 2.x series.
jclasslib Release 2.0
This release adds
  • class, method and field links. In constant pool entries that reference a method or a field, a "Show" button allows you to display them. If they are located in a different class, a new window will be opened.
  • a configurable classpath that is used to find and open other classes referenced from a class file.
  • a classpath browser that lets you open class files from the tree of the currently configured classpath.
  • the possibility to open classes directly from jar files.
  • large performance improvements for the bytecode display.
  • a new workspaces facility to save the opened windows and the selections made within them.
  • that when reloading a class, the current selection in a window is reconstructed.
  • display improvements, especially for the inner classes attribute.
  • installers for Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac OS X.
  • numerous bug fixes and GUI improvements.
jclasslib bytecode viewer is released under the GPL.
exe4j Release 2.0
This release adds
  • a cross-platform compiler. exe4j is now pure Java and can be run on multiple platforms. Distributions are available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Unix.
  • support for Windows services.
  • support for native library directories.
  • an improved GUI that separates standard options from advanced options and lets you navigate more easily between wizard steps.
This release comes at no charge to customers of the 1.x series.
JProfiler Release 2.3
This release adds
  • path to garbage collector root analysis in the heap walker for easier fixing of memory leaks
  • a new heap snapshot mode where all unreferenced objects, only weakly referenced objects or objects queued for finalization can be removed.
  • a new integration wizard for profiling the Java browser plugin
  • new application server integration wizards for BEA Weblogic 8.1, Apache Tomcat 5.0, JBoss 4.0, Novell exteNd 5
  • support for recent JVMs and application servers
  • new IDE integrations for Netbeans 3.5, Sun ONE Studio 5, Eclipse 2.1 and Borland JBuilder 9
  • Mac OS distribution now works with all versions of StuffIt
  • a new floating license scheme
  • various bug fixes and usability improvements
This release comes at no charge to customers of the 2.x series.
Initial Release of install4j
install4j is a powerful cross-platform Java installer that generates native installers and application launchers for Java applications. install4j excels in its ease of use and its tight integration into the target platforms. Installers generated by install4j follow the system-specific way of installing applications. Java applications deployed with install4j are now first-class citizens on every platform.

install4j is available for download as a fully featured evaluation version.

exe4j Release 1.2
This release adds
  • a new option to allow only a single instance of the application to be executed. Starting the application a second time will bring the existing application windows to front.
  • the run-time directory variables %EXE4J_EXEDIR% and %EXE4J_TEMPDIR% that can now be used in the VM parameters field to construct a custom bootclasspath.
  • a number of usability improvements in the exe4j wizard.
  • fixes for issues with earlier versions of exe4j.
This release comes at no charge to customers of the 1.x series.
JProfiler Release 2.2
This release adds
  • a new session type for profiling Java Web Start applications
  • a new class-resolved real-time allocations monitor
  • offline profiling for scripted profiling runs
  • a profiling API for programmatically controlling JProfiler at run time
  • a completely reworked session configuration that is even easier to use
  • improved application server integration wizards
  • major performance improvements
  • IDE integrations for IntelliJ IDEA and Borland JBuilder 8
  • new application server integration wizards for Websphere 5 and Sun ONE Application Server 7
  • many enhancements and usability improvements
This release comes at no charge to customers of the 2.x series.
exe4j Release 1.1
This release adds
  • a new launch method: exe4j now starts the JVM in process, so the process name in the task manager is the executable name and not java.exe or javaw.exe. Task bar grouping in Windows XP also uses the name of the executable and its icon.
  • a new project type: the "JAR in EXE" mode allows you to pack JAR files directly into the generated executable. In this way you can distribute your Java application as a single EXE.
Initial Release of exe4j
exe4j is a Java exe maker that helps to integrate Java applications into the Windows operating environment. exe4j assists with starting Java applications in a safe way, displaying native splash screens, detecting or distributing suitable JREs and JDKs, startup error handling and much more.

exe4j is available for download as a fully featured evaluation version.

JProfiler Release 2.1
This release adds
  • a new call tree collection method: sampling allows for rapid troubleshooting of bottlenecks without filters.
  • the free JProfiler Monitoring Edition for Netbeans/Sun ONE Studio
  • new IDE integrations for eclipse, Netbeans 3.4 and Borland JBuilder
  • new application server integrations for Websphere 5.0 and Sun ONE Application server 6.5
  • reduced memory footprint
  • many enhancements and usability improvements
This release comes at no charge to customers of the 2.x series.
JProfiler Release 2.0
Major new features include:
  • 3 new views for detailed monitor contention analysis
  • Thread state selection in CPU views
  • Package level statistics for CPU and memory views
  • Source code and bytecode navigation
  • Dynamic view filters
  • Improved garbage collector functionality
  • Saving and loading snapshots to disk
  • Data export capabilities
  • A wide range of application server integration wizards
  • Integrated applet and servlet profiling
  • Multi-platform licensing
  • The Alloy Look and Feel by Incors
  • Many small enhancements
Customers of the 1.x series receive a free upgrade to the multi-platform licenses of the 2.x series.
JProfiler Release 1.2
This release
  • introduces dynamic profiling as the new standard core profiling technology. Instead of tracing all method calls, only classes of interest are instrumented.
  • adds an often requested port for Mac OS X.
  • fixes problems with the native library
  • fixes several UI bugs
JProfiler Release 1.1
New features:
  • can be fully integrated into the Forte/Netbeans IDEs
  • a new dynamic allocations monitor view
  • garbage collector view modes for class and allocations monitor
jclasslib Release 1.2

jclasslib is a library and a collection of utilities and applications to view and manipulate Java class files. jclasslib's core functionality consists of mechanisms to read, modify, and write class files compiled for the JVM. It has a class file browser built on top of this, which can be used as a standalone GUI application or as a Netbeans module.

Changes: This release features major bug fixes in the class file viewer application and adds support for the current version of Netbeans. The performance of reading and writing class files in the bytecode is more than doubled, and new concepts and facilities have been introduced for the manipulation of constant pools and instruction lists.

JProfiler Release 1.0
JProfiler is a fully dynamic profiler based on the Java virtual machine profiling interface (JVMPI). It is targeted at J2EE and J2SE applications, and features CPU profiling, memory profiling, thread profiling, and VM telemetry information.