Command Line Tool For Pre-Created JRE Bundles
To automate the creation of pre-created JRE bundles, you can
use the command line utility createbundle[.exe]
in the bin
directory of your install4j
installation. The bundle creation tool is invoked as follows:
createbundle [OPTIONS] [JRE home directory]
The available options are:
-h, --help Displays this help. -o, --output Output directory, default is the current directory. -v, --version=<VERSION> JRE version to be used in the bundle file name. The default is the version as reported by the JRE. -i, --id Sets custom id for bundle file name. The default is the empty string. -u, --unpacked Create bundle with unpacked JAR files as required for the macOS single bundle archive. -r, --jdk-release Release of JDK that provides the JDK tools. Only =<RELEASE> required if the JRE does not contain the jlink tool and if the JRE version is 9 or higher. This is not a version number, but a release string as shown on the "JRE Bundles" step in the install4j IDE. -p, --jdk-provider-id JDK provider ID for the JDK that is specified with =<ID> --jdk-release. By default, "Adoptium" is used. -m, --add-modules Add a comma-separated list of modules to the JRE bundle. Can be passed more than once. -s, --add-module-set Add a set of modules to the JRE bundle, either a =min|jre|all|none minimum set, a typical JRE, all modules, or none. The default is "jre". -j, --add-jmod=<path> Add a JMOD file to the JRE bundle. Can be passed more than once. -d, --add-jmod-dir Add a directory with JMOD files to the JRE bundle. =<path> Can be passed more than once.
There are Ant and Gradle tasks as well as a Maven Mojo tasks that you can use to call this command line application from your build system.