install4j version 2.0, built on 2003-10-15
must be replaced with your license key. If you use floating licenses,
replace KEY
with FLOAT:server
where "server" is the host name or IP address
where the floating license server is installed. For floating licenses, you can choose the requested edition
by passing --windows-edition
or --multi-platform-edition
must be replaced with the desired version number.
Version number components can be alphanumeric and should be separated by dots, dashes or underscores.
be replaced with the desired directory. If the directory contains spaces, you must
enclose STRING in quotation marks.
be replaced with a comma separated list of numeric IDs. The IDs for media files
can be shown in the install4j IDE by choosing Project->Show IDs
from the main menu. Examples would be:
-b 2,5,9 --build-ids=2,5,9
be replaced with a media file type recognized by install4j. To see the list of supported media
types, execute install4jc --list-media-types
Examples would be:
-m win32,macos,macosFolder --media-types=win32,macos,macosFolder
must be the
name of a variable that has been defined on the
Compiler Variables tab of the
General Settings step. The value
can be empty.
To override a variable for a specific media file definition only, you can
prefix NAME
with ID:
to specify the ID of the
media file. The IDs for media files can be shown in the install4j IDE by choosing
Project->Show IDs from the main menu.
A special system variable that you can override from the command line is
. sys.languageId
must be set to the
ISO code of the language displayed in the
Language selection dialog
and determines the principal installer language
for the project or the media file.
option, which takes precedence if a variable occurs twice.
The file can contain
The file is assumed to be encoded in the UTF-8 format.
Should you require a different encoding you can prefix the filename with
, where CHARSET is replaced with the name of the encoding.
Instead of a single variable file you can also specify a list of files separated by semicolons. The optional charset prefix must be specified for each file separately.
Examples would be:-f varfile.txt --var-file=ISO-8859-3:varfile.txt --var-file=one.txt;two.txt --var-file=ISO-8859-3:one.txt;ISO-8859-1:two.txt
option and quits.