Installer - Available Form Components

 Category: Action components
A standard button with an optional leading label. When the user clicks on the button, an action script is executed.
  • Button text [Button]
    The text that is displayed on the button. Can be empty if the button icon is set.
  • Button icon [Button]
    The icon displayed on the button. Can be empty if the button text is set.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Action type [Button]
    The type of the action that should be executed by the button is clicked. You can either choose to configure a single script or an entire list of actions.
  • Action script
    The script that is executed when the button is clicked by the user. The return type is void.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Action type" is set to "Script".

  • Action list
    A list of actions that is executed when the button is clicked by the user.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Action type" is set to "Action list".

  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 Hyperlink URL label
A label that displays a hyperlink. When the user clicks on the hyperlink, the appropriate action is performed, depending on the protocol of the URL.
  • Hyperlink text
    The text that is displayed on the hyperlink label.
  • URL
    The URL for the hyperlink. For example
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
 Hyperlink action label
A label that displays a hyperlink. When the user clicks on the hyperlink, an action script is executed
  • Hyperlink text
    The text that is displayed on the hyperlink label.
  • Action type
    The type of the action that should be executed by the button is clicked. You can either choose to configure a single script or an entire list of actions.
  • Action script
    The script that is executed when the button is clicked by the user. The return type is void.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Action type" is set to "Script".

  • Action list
    A list of actions that is executed when the button is clicked by the user.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Action type" is set to "Action list".

  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
 Category: Labels and spacers
 Horizontal separator
A horizontal separator with an optional label.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Use special title font [Label]
    If selected, a special font and color are used for the separator label. The actual font depends on the look and feel. This setting overrides all other font settings for the label.
  • Show enabled text [Label]
    If selected, the title text is shown like for an enabled title, otherwise the title text is shown like for a disabled label.
 Key value pair label
A pair of labels. The first ('key') label aligns with other leading labels on the form, the second ('value') label consumes the remaining horizontal space,
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Key Label]
    The text of the key label. Can be empty.
  • Font color [Key Label]
    The color of the key label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Key Label]
    The font type of the key label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the key label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the key label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the key label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Key Label]
    An image file with an icon for the key labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Key Label]
    The gap between the key label icon and the key label text in pixels.
  • Text [Value Label]
    The text of the value label. Can be empty.
  • Font color [Value Label]
    The color of the value label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Value Label]
    The font type of the value label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the value label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the value label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the value label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Value Label]
    An image file with an icon for the value labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Value Label]
    The gap between the value label icon and the value label text in pixels.
A single label. It is left-aligned with leading labels from other form components and extends beyond other leading labels.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Add empty leading label [Label]
    If selected, the label will not be aligned at the very left, but it will start after the leading labels of other form components in the same vertical group.
 Leading label
A form component that only has a leading label and no central component. This can also be used to create standalone help tooltips.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
 Multi-line HTML label
A multi-line label that wraps text as needed and displays simple HTML. In particular you can include HTML links that open a browser.
  • HTML [Label]
    The HTML for the label. The value should start with <html>, otherwise the plain text will be displayed in the preview. You can include HTML links that open a browser when clicked by the user. URLs in <a href="..."> links should start with http://, https:// or file://.
 Multi-line label
A multi-line label that wraps text as needed.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label.
  • Hide if text is blank [Label]
    If the text is blank, hide the form component when the form is activated. In that case you can also leave the "Text" property empty.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

An invisible spring that can be used in horizontal and vertical layout groups to push subsequent components to the right or to the bottom
  • Axis
    The direction along which the spring will push subsequent components. In a horizontal layout group, use the "Horizontal" setting, in a vertical layout group, use the "Vertical" setting.
 Vertical spacer
An invisible vertical spacer of configurable height.
  • Spacer height
    The height of the spacer in pixels. The spacer itself is invisible.
 Category: Option selectors
 Check box
A check box with an optional leading label. The user selection (Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE) is saved to a variable.
  • Text [Check box]
    The text of the check box. Can be empty.
  • Initially selected [Check box]
    If set, the check box is initially selected
  • Selection script [Check box]
    The script that is executed when the selection state of the check box is changed by the user. The return type is void.
  • Coupled components
    You can select other components on the same form screen which are enabled only if the check box is selected.
  • Inverse coupling
    If set, the coupling of other form components will be inverted with respect to the selection state of the check box.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. The variable value will be one of Boolean.TRUE or Boolean.FALSE, depending on the user selection.The type of the variable value is java.lang.Boolean
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 Combo box
A combo box with an optional leading label. The user can enter arbitrary text into the combo box. The user selection (the selected item as a string) is saved to a variable.
  • Combo box entries [Combo box]
    The items in the combo box. In the edit dialog, you have to enter one item per line. Items that are installer variables with array values (e.g. String[], Object[] or File[]) are expanded as separate items, this allows you to build a variable length list of items at runtime.
  • Initially selected index [Combo box]
    The zero-based index of the initially selected item in the combo box.If you would like to compute this value at runtime, please set the bound variable to a java.lang.Integer value before this screen is shown.
  • Fill horizontal space [Combo box]
    If set, the combo box will fill all the available horizontal space, otherwise it will be as wide as required for the widest item.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. The variable value will be the selected item text.The type of the variable value is java.lang.String
  • Selection change script [User input]
    A script that is executed when the selection is changed by the user. This script is only required for advanced customizations of the form screen. The return type is void.
  • Input validation expression [User input]
    An expression or script that validates the user input when the combo box loses the focus. If the expression returns false, the focus remains in the combo box. In that case you should display an error message.
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 Drop-down list
A drop-down list with an optional leading label. The user selection (the selected index as a java.lang.Integer) is saved to a variable.
  • Drop-down list entries [Drop-down list]
    The items in the drop-down list. In the edit dialog, you have to enter one item per line. Items that are installer variables with array values (e.g. String[], Object[] or File[]) are expanded as separate items, this allows you to build a variable length list of items at runtime.
  • Initially selected index [Drop-down list]
    The zero-based index of the initially selected item in the drop-down list.If you would like to compute this value at runtime, please set the bound variable to a java.lang.Integer value before this screen is shown.
  • Fill horizontal space [Drop-down list]
    If set, the drop-down list will fill all the available horizontal space, otherwise it will be as wide as required for the widest item.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. The variable value will be the index of the selected item.The type of the variable value is java.lang.Integer
  • Selection change script [User input]
    A script that is executed when the selection is changed by the user. This script is only required for advanced customizations of the form screen. The return type is void.
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
A list with an optional leading label. The user selection (the selected indices) is saved to a variable.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • List entries [List]
    The items in the list. In the edit dialog, you have to enter one item per line. Items that are installer variables with array values (e.g. String[], Object[] or File[]) are expanded as separate items, this allows you to build a variable length list of items at runtime.
  • Initially selected index [List]
    The zero-based index of the initially selected item in the list.If you would like to compute this value at runtime, please set the bound variable to a java.lang.Integer value before this screen is shown.
  • Fill horizontal space [List]
    If set, the list will fill all the available horizontal space, otherwise it will be as wide as required for the widest item.
  • Visible rows [List]
    If the list is scrollable, this property determines the height of the list.
  • Fill extra vertical space [List]
    If set, the form component will expand to fill remaining vertical space. Extra vertical space is only available, if the form is not scrollable. Custom form screens have a "Scrollable" property, which must be set to false.
  • Scrollable [List]
    If set, the list will be wrapped in a scroll pane.
  • Multi-selection [List]
    If set, the user can select multiple entries at the same time.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. If multiple items can be selected, the variable value will be an int[] array with the selected indices, otherwise the variable value will be the index of the selected item as a java.lang.Integer
  • Selection change script [User input]
    A script that is executed when the selection is changed by the user. This script is only required for advanced customizations of the form screen. The return type is void.
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 Radio button group
A number of radio buttons in a common button group with an optional leading label. The user selection (the selected index as a java.lang.Integer) is saved to a variable.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Radio button labels [Radio buttons]
    The labels of all the radio buttons. In the edit dialog, you have to enter one item per line. Labels that are installer variables with array values (e.g. String[], Object[] or File[]) are expanded as separate labels, this allows you to build a variable length list of labels at runtime.
  • Initially selected index [Radio buttons]
    The zero-based index of the initially selected radio button. If you would like to compute this value at runtime, please set the bound variable to a java.lang.Integer value before this screen is shown.
  • Axis [Radio buttons]
    The direction along which the radio buttons will be laid out.
  • Selection script [Radio buttons]
    The script that is executed when a radio button is selected by the user. The return type is void.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. The variable value will be the index of the selected radio button.The type of the variable value is java.lang.Integer
 Single radio button
A single radio button with an optional leading label. If selected, a specified string is saved to a variable. If you place multiple instances of this form component on a form screen and give them the same variable name, they will form a radio button group.
  • Coupled components
    You can select other components on the same form screen which are enabled only if the radio button is selected.
  • Inverse coupling
    If set, the coupling of other form components will be inverted with respect to the selection state of the radio button.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Radio button label [Radio button]
    The text of the radio button.
  • Initially selected [Radio button]
    If selected, the radio button will be initially selected.
  • Selection script [Radio button]
    The script that is executed when the radio button is selected by the user. The return type is void.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. The variable value will be the string defined in the "Variable value" property.The type of the variable value is java.lang.String
  • Variable value [User input]
    The value that should be written to the variable if this radio button is selected.
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 Category: Sliders and spinners
A slider with an optional leading label. The user input (a java.lang.Integer) is saved to a variable.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Minimum value [Slider]
    The minimum value on the left side of the slider.
  • Maximum value [Slider]
    The maximum value on the right side of the slider.
  • Initial value [Slider]
    The initial value of the slider.
  • Major tick spacing [Slider]
    The spacing between major ticks expressed as a value.
  • Minor tick spacing [Slider]
    The spacing between minor ticks expressed as a value.
  • Snap to ticks [Slider]
    If set, the user selection is snapped to the closest tick value.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. The type of the variable value is java.lang.Integer
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 Spinner of dates
A spinner with date and time values with an optional leading label. The user input is saved to a variable.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Date format pattern [Spinner]
    A pattern to format dates for display and input as described in the javadoc of java.text.SimpleDateFormat. An example is yyyy.MM.dd 'at' HH:mm:ss z. If empty, a locale-dependent default pattern with date and time components will be used.
  • Initial value [Spinner]
    The initial value of the spinner.
  • Value change script [User input]
    A script that is executed when the value is changed by the user. This script is only required for advanced customizations of the form screen. The return type is void.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. The type of the variable value is java.util.Date
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 Spinner of enumerated values
A spinner with enumerated values with an optional leading label. The user input is saved to a variable.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • List entries [Spinner]
    The items in the spinner. In the edit dialog, you have to enter one item per line. List items that are installer variables with array values (e.g. String[], Object[] or File[]) are expanded as separate list items, this allows you to build a variable length list of list items at runtime.
  • Initially selected index [Spinner]
    The zero-based index of the initially selected item in the spinner.
  • Value change script [User input]
    A script that is executed when the value is changed by the user. This script is only required for advanced customizations of the form screen. The return type is void.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. The type of the variable value is java.lang.String
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 Spinner of integer values
A spinner with integer values with an optional leading label. The user input is saved to a variable.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Minimum value [Spinner]
    The minimum value on the left side of the spinner.
  • Maximum value [Spinner]
    The maximum value on the right side of the spinner.
  • Initial value [Spinner]
    The initial value of the spinner.
  • Step size [Spinner]
    The step size for the spinner.
  • Value change script [User input]
    A script that is executed when the value is changed by the user. This script is only required for advanced customizations of the form screen. The return type is void.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. The type of the variable value is java.lang.Integer
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 Category: Special selectors and displays
 Directory chooser
A directory chooser with an optional leading label. The user selection is saved to a variable.
  • Manual entry allowed [Chooser Dialog]
    If selected, the user can enter the directory manually in the text field. Otherwise, the text field is disabled.
  • Initial directory [Directory Chooser]
    The initially selected directory. The variable value takes precedence, so this value will only be used if the variable value is undefined. Can be empty.
  • Initial browser directory [Directory Chooser]
    The initial directory that is shown in the browser if no directory is selected. If empty, the browser will start in the user home directory. If a directory is entered in the text field, the browser will use that path instead.
  • Border title [Directory Chooser]
    The description of the kind of directory that the user should select, in a few words, e.g. "ABC directory". This will be shown in a titled border around the text field.
  • Standard directory [Directory Chooser]
    A directory name that should be appended to the user selection in the directory browser. Should be empty if an existing directory has to be selected.
  • Next screen on enter [Directory Chooser]
    If selected and the user hits the enter key while the text field is focused, the next screen is activated.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Allow spaces in directory name [Unix]
    If selected, spaces are valid characters in the installation directory name for Unix/Linux installers, otherwise an error message is displayed if the user chooses a directory with spaces in it. Some JREs do not work on Unix if installed to a path that contains spaces, so spaces are disallowed by default.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. The type of the variable value is java.lang.String
  • Validation script [User input]
    The script that is executed when the directory is selected with the chooser button and when the user clicks on the Next button of the screen. If the script returns true, the selection is accepted, if it returns false, the selection is discarded.
  • Standard validation [User input]
    If selected, the standard validation for well-formed directory names will be performed. This validation is performed before the validation script and will canonicalize the directory name before passing it to the validation script.
  • Allow empty input [User input]
    If selected, the user can leave the directory empty or clear the initial directory (if manual entry is allowed) and there will be no validation error.
  • Only accept writable directories [User input]
    If selected, non-writable directories will be rejected.
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 File associations selector
A form component that displays a list of all subsequent file association actions and asks the user which associations should be made. This form component will be empty if there are no corresponding file association actions after this screen.
  • Show selection buttons
    If selected, the screen will show buttons for selecting and deselecting all file associations.
  • Position of selection buttons
    The selection buttons can be added at the top or at the bottom of the form component.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Show selection buttons" is selected.

  • Fill extra vertical space
    If set, the form component will expand to fill remaining vertical space. Extra vertical space is only available, if the form is not scrollable. Custom form screens have a "Scrollable" property, which must be set to false.
 File chooser
A file chooser with an optional leading label. The user selection is saved to a variable.
  • Manual entry allowed [Chooser Dialog]
    If selected, the user can enter the file manually in the text field. Otherwise, the text field is disabled.
  • Initial file [File Chooser]
    The initially selected file. The variable value takes precedence, so this value will only be used if the variable value is undefined. Can be empty.
  • Initial browser directory [File Chooser]
    The initial directory that is shown in the browser if no file is selected. If empty, the browser will start in the user home directory. If a file is entered in the text field, the browser will use that path instead.
  • Use file filter [File Chooser]
    If a file filter should be used. Configure the file filter in the nested properties once you enable this option.
  • File filter name
    The name of the file filter which is displayed to the user in the drop-down filter list of the file chooser.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Use file filter" is selected.

  • Filtered file extension
    The list of the filtered file extension. A file extension may be written as *.xml, .xml or xml, all three notations are equivalent. In the edit dialog, you have to enter one item per line. File extensions that are installer variables with array values (e.g. String[], Object[] or File[]) are expanded as separate file extensions, this allows you to build a variable length list of file extensions at runtime.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Use file filter" is selected.

  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. The type of the variable value is java.lang.String
  • Validation script [User input]
    The script that is executed when the file is selected with the chooser button and when the user clicks on the Next button of the screen. If the script returns true, the selection is accepted, if it returns false, the selection is discarded.
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 HTML display
A scroll panel that displays HTML text. The HTML is easily localizable since the file selection allows you to enter separate files for all supported languages.
  • Text source [HTML display]
    The source from which the text is loaded. For multi-language installers, the "File" source is recommended since it is more easily localizable than the direct entry.
  • Variable name [HTML display]
    Optionally, you can save the actually displayed text to a variable. Enter the variable name without the installer prefix and the dollar sign. This is useful if you display localized text and want to save the actually displayed text with a "Write text to a file" action later on.
  • Text file
    The file from which the text is loaded.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Text source" is set to "File".

  • Text
    The text that is displayed in the screen, either plain text or HTML. For HTML, the value should start with <html>, otherwise the plain text will be displayed. The text is displayed in a scrollable text area.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Text source" is set to "Direct".

  • Height [HTML display]
    The height of the HTML display in pixels.
  • Fill extra vertical space [HTML display]
    If set, the form component will expand to fill remaining vertical space. Extra vertical space is only available, if the form is not scrollable. Custom form screens have a "Scrollable" property, which must be set to false.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
 Installation components selector
A form component that displays all installation components and asks the user which components should be installed.
  • Selection change script [Component Selector]
    A script that is invoked each time the selection state of a component is changed. If a component has dependencies that are changed as well, or if entire folders are toggled, this script will be called repeatedly, once for each installation component whose selection state is changed. If the dependency parameter is false, this tells you that the corresponding installation component belongs to the node that the user has actually toggled. If a folder is toggled, dependency will be true for all installation components.
  • Fill extra vertical space [Component Selector]
    If set, the form component will expand to fill remaining vertical space. Extra vertical space is only available, if the form is not scrollable. Custom form screens have a "Scrollable" property, which must be set to false.
  • Bold font [Description]
    Use a bold font for the descriptions
  • Italic font [Description]
    Use an italic font for the descriptions
  • Smaller font [Description]
    Use a smaller font for the descriptions
 Installation directory chooser
An installation directory chooser with an optional display of required and free space. The user selection is set as the installation directory.
  • Suggest application directory [Application ID]
    When the user chooses a directory, always append the default application directory configured in the media file wizard. You should only switch this off if you substitute a different installation directory in the screen validation.
  • Existing directory warning [Application ID]
    Ask the user whether to install the application in the selected directory if it already exists and the installation is not an update.
  • Validate application id [Application ID]
    Check if another application is installed in the selected directory or if the application is not the correct target for an add-on installer.
  • Check if directory is writable [Application ID]
    Check if the directory is writable with the currently available privileges and show a warning message if it is not. If you deselect this option, and the directory is not writable, you should execute a "Request privileges" action before installing files to the installation directory.
  • Manual entry allowed [Chooser Dialog]
    If selected, the user can enter the installation directory manually in the text field. Otherwise, the text field is disabled.
  • Insufficient disk space warning [Disk Space]
    Show a warning message if there is not sufficient disk space for the installation on the selected target drive.
  • Show required disk space [Disk Space]
    Show the disk space that is required for the installation. You should switch this off if your installation includes other data sources.
  • Show free disk space [Disk Space]
    Show the disk space that is available on the selected drive or partition. This setting is only effective for Windows, macOS and Linux.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Allow spaces in directory name [Unix]
    If selected, spaces are valid characters in the installation directory name for Unix/Linux installers, otherwise an error message is displayed if the user chooses a directory with spaces in it. Some JREs do not work on Unix if installed to a path that contains spaces, so spaces are disallowed by default.
  • Validation script [User input]
    The script that is executed when the installation directory is selected with the chooser button and when the user clicks on the Next button of the screen. If the script returns true, the selection is accepted, if it returns false, the selection is discarded.
  • Standard validation [User input]
    If selected, the standard validation for well-formed directory names will be performed. This validation is performed before the validation script and will canonicalize the directory name before passing it to the validation script.
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 License agreement
A form component that displays a license agreement to the user, either plain text or HTML. The license agreement must be accepted before the next screen can be shown.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Text source [License agreement]
    The source from which the license is loaded. For multi-language installers, the "File" source is recommended since it is more easily localizable than the direct entry.
  • Variable name [License agreement]
    Optionally, you can save the actually displayed text to a variable. Enter the variable name without the installer prefix and the dollar sign. This is useful if you display localized text and want to save the actually displayed text with a "Write text to a file" action later on.
  • License file
    The file from which the license is loaded.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Text source" is set to "File".

  • License
    The license that is displayed in the screen, either plain text or HTML. For HTML, the value should start with <html>, otherwise the plain text will be displayed. The text is displayed in a scrollable text area.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Text source" is set to "Direct".

  • Height [License agreement]
    The height of the HTML display in pixels.
  • Fill extra vertical space [License agreement]
    If set, the form component will expand to fill remaining vertical space. Extra vertical space is only available, if the form is not scrollable. Custom form screens have a "Scrollable" property, which must be set to false.
  • Initially accepted [License agreement]
    If selected, the "Accept" radio button is initially selected.
  • User must scroll to bottom [License agreement]
    If selected, the user can only accept the license if the text area with the license text has been previously scrolled to the bottom. Has no effect if the "Initially selected" property is selected.
  • Radio buttons axis [License agreement]
    The axis along which the radio buttons for accepting the license agreement are layouted.
 PDF display
Displays a PDF file in an embedded cross-platform PDF viewer.
  • PDF file [PDF]
    The PDF file that should be displayed.
 Program group selector
A form component that allows the user to select a program group on Microsoft Windows.
  • Variable name for selection [Program Group Selector]
    The name of the variable to which the selected program group is saved when the user advances to the next screen.
  • Initial program group [Program Group Selector]
    The initially selected program group. Can be empty if no program group should be initially selected.
  • Program groups for all users [Program Group Selector]
    If selected, the program groups for all users are shown, otherwise the program groups for the current user are shown.
  • Show warning if program group exists [Program Group Selector]
    If selected, a warning will be shown if the selected program group already exists.
  • Fill extra vertical space [Program Group Selector]
    If set, the form component will expand to fill remaining vertical space. Extra vertical space is only available, if the form is not scrollable. Custom form screens have a "Scrollable" property, which must be set to false.
 Progress display
An progress display that can show the progress of the actions attached to the containing screen.
  • Hide initially
    If selected, the progress bar is hidden when the form is shown. When the actions attached to the screen are executed, the progress bar is made visible.
  • Status line visible
    If selected, the status line is visible.
  • Initial status message
    The initial status message displayed by the progress screen. You can change this message with "Set messages" actions or by invoking Context.getProgressInterface().setStatusMessage("...").

    Note: This property is only visible if "Status line visible" is selected.

  • Detail line visible
    If selected, the detail line is visible.
  • Initial detail message
    The initial detail message displayed by the progress screen. You can change this message with "Set messages" actions or by invoking Context.getProgressInterface().setDetailMessage("...").

    Note: This property is only visible if "Detail line visible" is selected.

 Update alert
A pair of radio buttons offering the user a choice whether to update an existing installation or not. If the existing installation should be updated, the installer variable sys.confirmedUpdateInstallation is set to true. Several standard screens use that installer variable in their default condition expression.
  • Alert for update installation
    If selected, the form component will check if a previous installation can be found by calling context.isUpdateInstallation(). In this case, the user will be presented with the choice to update the existing installation or select a new installation directory. If the update is selected, the installer variable sys.confirmedUpdateInstallation will be set to Boolean.TRUE. The default condition expressions on the "Installation location" screen and the "Create program group" screen are set so that the screen is skipped in that case.

    Note that this only works if "Detect previous installation directory" is selected on the "Installer->Update Options" tab.
  • Initially selected choice
    Determines the initially selected radio button if an update installation is found.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Alert for update installation" is selected.

  • Selection script [User input]
    Invoked when the user changes the selection or when the screen is activated and this form component is visible.
 Update schedule selector
Drop-down box that lets the user select an update schedule for your application. You can use the com.install4j.api.update.UpdateScheduleRegistry class in your application to check if you should launch an updater. Please see the Javadoc for more information. Please note that simply adding this form component does not automatically launch an updater at regular intervals.
  • Initial update schedule
    The initially selected update schedule. If the user has already installed the application before, the currently active selection by the user will be selected and this value will be ignored.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 Windows user selector
A component for selecting Windows users or groups in the native Windows user dialog. Optionally, you can display a button to create a new user. The selection is saved as a SID to a string variable. If multiple selection is enabled, the result is a string array of SIDs.

This component does not do anything in console mode, since it requires the native Windows dialog for selecting users and groups.
  • Show users
    Show users in the native user selection dialog.
  • Show groups
    Show users in the native user selection dialog.
  • Show well-known principals
    Show well-known principals like "SYSTEM" or "SERVICE" in the native user selection dialog.
  • Multiple selection
    If selected, multiple users or groups can be selected. The variable type is a string array of SIDs in that case, otherwise it is a string with the single selected SID. Multiple selection cannot be combined with the "Create User" option.
  • Only local objects
    If selected, only local users and groups will be displayed.
  • Show "Create User" button
    If selected, a button to create a new user will be displayed next to the "Browse" button. On clicking that button, a separate dialog will be shown where the new user can be configured.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Show users" is selected.

  • Variable for user creation flag
    The name of the variable which will be set to Boolean.TRUE if the selected user has been created by the user. If the selected user has not been created, the variable value will be set to Boolean.FALSE. This is useful if you would like to determine if the uninstaller should delete the user. Users can be deleted with the install4j API.

    This variable name can be empty, in which case the creation status will not be saved.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Show "Create User" button" is selected.

  • Variable for local group
    The name of the variable which will be set to the local group used for a newly created user. This variable name can be empty, in which case the created local group name will not be saved.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Show "Create User" button" is selected.

  • Variable for group creation flag
    The name of the variable which will be set to Boolean.TRUE if a group for the selected user has been created by the user. If the selected user has not been created or if an existing group was used, the variable value will be set to Boolean.FALSE. This is useful if you would like to determine if the uninstaller should delete the local group. Groups can be deleted with the install4j API.

    This variable name can be empty, in which case the creation status will not be saved.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Show "Create User" button" is selected.

  • Password form component
    A text field or password field form component that should be updated with the password that was chosen for the created user.If not selected, no such update will be performed.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Show "Create User" button" is selected.

  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. The variable value will be a string with the selected SID, or, if multiple selection is enabled, a string array of SIDs.
 Category: Text fields
 Password field
A password text field with an optional leading label. The user input is displayed with '*' characters. The user input is saved to a variable.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Initial text [Password field]
    The initial text in the text field. The variable value takes precedence, so this value will only be used if the variable value is undefined. Can be empty.
  • Prevent empty user input [Password field]
    If selected, empty user input is not accepted and a default error message is shown in that case. This is a quick validation option so that you do not have to validate user input in the validation script of the form screen, as it would be necessary for more complex validations.
  • Font [Password field]
    The font type of the text field. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the text field.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the text field.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the text field in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Text field columns [Password field]
    The width of the text field, expressed as a multiple of the width of the character 'm'. If zero, the text field will fill the entire horizontal space.
  • Write encoded value to response file [Password field]
    Write an encoded value of the entered password to the response file. Note that the encoding only prevents casual observation of the password. Do not enable if you require strict security for the password.
  • Show icon to toggle password visibility [Password field]
    If selected, an icon will be shown inside the text field to toggle the visibility of the password.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. The type of the variable value is java.lang.String
  • Key validation expression [User input]
    An expression or script that validates each key that is pressed in this component by the user.

    The text parameter does not contain> the modifications of this key event.

  • Key listener script [User input]
    A script that is executed each time that a key is pressed in this component by the user.

    The text parameter already contains the modification of this key event.

  • Input validation expression [User input]
    An expression or script that validates the user input when the password field loses the focus. If the expression returns false, the focus remains in the password field. In that case you should display an error message.
  • Enter goes to next screen [User input]
    If selected, hitting the ENTER key while the text field is focused, will go to the next screen, just as if the user had clicked on the "Next" button.
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 Text area
A text area with an optional leading label. The user input is saved to a variable.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Initial text [Text area]
    The initial text in the text field. The variable value takes precedence, so this value will only be used if the variable value is undefined. Can be empty.
  • Prevent empty user input [Text area]
    If selected, empty user input is not accepted and a default error message is shown in that case. This is a quick validation option so that you do not have to validate user input in the validation script of the form screen, as it would be necessary for more complex validations.
  • Font [Text area]
    The font type of the text field. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the text field.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the text field.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the text field in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Text area columns [Text area]
    The width of the text area, expressed as a multiple of the width of the character 'm'. If zero, the text area will fill the entire horizontal space.
  • Text area rows [Text area]
    The height of the text area, expressed as a multiple of line heights. Must be greater than zero.
  • Fill extra vertical space [Text area]
    If set, the form component will expand to fill remaining vertical space. Extra vertical space is only available, if the form is not scrollable. Custom form screens have a "Scrollable" property, which must be set to false.
  • Wrap lines [Text area]
    If selected, lines will wrap at the end of the text area. Otherwise a horizontal scroll bar will be show when needed.
  • Wrap entire words [Text area]
    This property is only relevant when lines are wrapped. If set, lines will wrap on word boundaries if possible.
  • Use label font [Text area]
    If selected, the default label font is used and other font settings are ignored.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. The type of the variable value is java.lang.String
  • Key validation expression [User input]
    An expression or script that validates each key that is pressed in this component by the user.

    The text parameter does not contain> the modifications of this key event.

  • Key listener script [User input]
    A script that is executed each time that a key is pressed in this component by the user.

    The text parameter already contains the modification of this key event.

  • Input validation expression [User input]
    An expression or script that validates the user input when the text area loses the focus. If the expression returns false, the focus remains in the text area. In that case you should display an error message.
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 Text field
A text field with an optional leading label. The user input is saved to a variable.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Initial text [Text field]
    The initial text in the text field. The variable value takes precedence, so this value will only be used if the variable value is undefined. Can be empty.
  • Prevent empty user input [Text field]
    If selected, empty user input is not accepted and a default error message is shown in that case. This is a quick validation option so that you do not have to validate user input in the validation script of the form screen, as it would be necessary for more complex validations.
  • Font [Text field]
    The font type of the text field. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the text field.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the text field.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the text field in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Text field columns [Text field]
    The width of the text field, expressed as a multiple of the width of the character 'm'. If zero, the text field will fill the entire horizontal space.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. The type of the variable value is java.lang.String
  • Key validation expression [User input]
    An expression or script that validates each key that is pressed in this component by the user.

    The text parameter does not contain> the modifications of this key event.

  • Key listener script [User input]
    A script that is executed each time that a key is pressed in this component by the user.

    The text parameter already contains the modification of this key event.

  • Input validation expression [User input]
    An expression or script that validates the user input when the text field loses the focus. If the expression returns false, the focus remains in the text field. In that case you should display an error message.
  • Enter goes to next screen [User input]
    If selected, hitting the ENTER key while the text field is focused, will go to the next screen, just as if the user had clicked on the "Next" button.
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 Text field with date format
A text field with an optional leading label and a date format. The user input (a java.util.Date) is saved to a variable.
  • Date format [Format]
    The date format specifies the components of the date that should be editable, i.e. date, time or date and time.
  • Date display style [Format]
    The date display style specifies the verbosity of the date component.
  • Time display style [Format]
    The time display style specifies the verbosity of the time component.
  • Initial value [Format]
    The initial date in the text field.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Font [Text field]
    The font type of the text field. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the text field.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the text field.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the text field in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Text field columns [Text field]
    The width of the text field, expressed as a multiple of the width of the character 'm'. If zero, the text field will fill the entire horizontal space.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. The type of the variable value is java.util.Date
  • Key validation expression [User input]
    An expression or script that validates each key that is pressed in this component by the user.

    The text parameter does not contain> the modifications of this key event.

  • Key listener script [User input]
    A script that is executed each time that a key is pressed in this component by the user.

    The text parameter already contains the modification of this key event.

  • Input validation expression [User input]
    An expression or script that validates the user input when the text field loses the focus. If the expression returns false, the focus remains in the text field. In that case you should display an error message.
  • Enter goes to next screen [User input]
    If selected, hitting the ENTER key while the text field is focused, will go to the next screen, just as if the user had clicked on the "Next" button.
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 Text field with format mask
A text field with an optional leading label and an arbitrary format mask. The user input is saved to a variable. The default mask is that of an SSN. For more information, please see the javadoc of javax.swing.text.MaskFormatter.
  • Input mask [Format]
    The input mask as defined be the javadoc of javax.swing.text.MaskFormatter.
  • Placeholder character [Format]
    The character that is displayed for empty characters of the input mask that still have to be filled out by the user.
  • Valid characters [Format]
    If not empty, this string defines the characters that are valid for user input.
  • Invalid characters [Format]
    If not empty, this string defines the characters that are invalid for user input.
  • Allow invalid input [Format]
    If set, invalid input will be allowed during editing. When the text field loses focus, invalid input will not be accepted, so the final value is guaranteed to be valid in any case.
  • Return literal characters [Format]
    If set, the value that is saved to the variable contains literal characters defined in the input mask.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Initial text [Text field]
    The initial text in the text field. The variable value takes precedence, so this value will only be used if the variable value is undefined. Can be empty.
  • Prevent empty user input [Text field]
    If selected, empty user input is not accepted and a default error message is shown in that case. This is a quick validation option so that you do not have to validate user input in the validation script of the form screen, as it would be necessary for more complex validations.
  • Font [Text field]
    The font type of the text field. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the text field.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the text field.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the text field in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Text field columns [Text field]
    The width of the text field, expressed as a multiple of the width of the character 'm'. If zero, the text field will fill the entire horizontal space.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. The type of the variable value is java.lang.String
  • Key validation expression [User input]
    An expression or script that validates each key that is pressed in this component by the user.

    The text parameter does not contain> the modifications of this key event.

  • Key listener script [User input]
    A script that is executed each time that a key is pressed in this component by the user.

    The text parameter already contains the modification of this key event.

  • Input validation expression [User input]
    An expression or script that validates the user input when the text field loses the focus. If the expression returns false, the focus remains in the text field. In that case you should display an error message.
  • Enter goes to next screen [User input]
    If selected, hitting the ENTER key while the text field is focused, will go to the next screen, just as if the user had clicked on the "Next" button.
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 Text field with integer format
A text field with an optional leading label and an integer format. The user input is saved to a variable with type java.lang.Long.
  • Minimum number of digits [Format]
    The minimum number of digits that are acceptable for user input.
  • Maximum number of digits [Format]
    The maximum number of digits that are acceptable for user input. If zero, there is no limit.
  • Use grouping separator [Format]
    If set, a locale-dependent grouping separator is displayed.
  • Allow invalid input [Format]
    If set, invalid input will be allowed during editing. When the text field loses focus, invalid input will not be accepted, so the final value is guaranteed to be valid in any case.
  • Help text [Help]
    If a text is entered into this property, a tooltip label with a help icon will be created on the right side of the form component that will display the help text when the user hovers with the mouse above the icon. The text can be plain text or HTML. For multi-line labels, use HTML like this: <html>This is line one<br>This is line two</tt></html>.
  • Text [Label]
    The text of the label. Can be empty. To configure a keyboard shortcut, prefix the mnemonic character in the label text with &, e.g."&User". The prefixed character will be underlined and the platform-specific keyboard shortcut (e.g. ALT+[character] on Windows) will allow the user to quickly navigate to this form component with the keyboard.
  • Font color [Label]
    The color of the label font. If empty, the default color will be used.
  • Font [Label]
    The font type of the label. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the label.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the label in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Icon [Label]
    An image file with an icon for the labellabel. Can be empty.

    To add a high-resolution image for retina displays, create a file with double the resolution and an additional @2x after the name (e.g. image.png and [email protected]) next to the selected image.

    The install4j runtime JAR file i4jruntime.jar contains a number of image files that you can reference here by prefixing the icon file name with "icon:". For example, icon:lock_open_32.png loads a 32x32 icon showing an open lock.

  • Icon-text gap [Label]
    The gap between the label icon and the label text in pixels.
  • Initial text [Text field]
    The initial text in the text field. The variable value takes precedence, so this value will only be used if the variable value is undefined. Can be empty.
  • Prevent empty user input [Text field]
    If selected, empty user input is not accepted and a default error message is shown in that case. This is a quick validation option so that you do not have to validate user input in the validation script of the form screen, as it would be necessary for more complex validations.
  • Font [Text field]
    The font type of the text field. For a derived form, you can optionally change size, and font attributes, with a custom font you can also choose a different font face.
  • Font specification
    The font specification for the text field.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Custom".

  • Font style
    The font style of the text field.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Font size in percent
    The font size of the text field in percent relative to the default font.

    Note: This property is only visible if "Font" is set to "Derived".

  • Text field columns [Text field]
    The width of the text field, expressed as a multiple of the width of the character 'm'. If zero, the text field will fill the entire horizontal space.
  • Variable name [User input]
    The name of the variable to which the user input is assigned. The type of the variable value is java.lang.Long
  • Key validation expression [User input]
    An expression or script that validates each key that is pressed in this component by the user.

    The text parameter does not contain> the modifications of this key event.

  • Key listener script [User input]
    A script that is executed each time that a key is pressed in this component by the user.

    The text parameter already contains the modification of this key event.

  • Input validation expression [User input]
    An expression or script that validates the user input when the text field loses the focus. If the expression returns false, the focus remains in the text field. In that case you should display an error message.
  • Enter goes to next screen [User input]
    If selected, hitting the ENTER key while the text field is focused, will go to the next screen, just as if the user had clicked on the "Next" button.
  • Request focus [User input]
    If selected, the form component will request the focus after the form is activated. If you have multiple form components in a single form that have this property selected, the result is undefined.
 Console handler
Allows you to interact with the user in a console installer. All standard form components expose appropriate behavior in console mode, however, there are situations where you need to fine-tune your console installer with additional messages or questions. In GUI or unattended mode, this form component does not have any effect.
  • Console script
    The script that is executed in console mode. The "console" parameter gives you access to the console and many helper methods. The return type is boolean and indicates whether the installer should be cancelled or not.