Custom Help
If you have an internal website that provides additional guidance for users, you can add an extra help button to the toolbar and the "Help" menu. To do that, add the following properties to the .vmoptions file: internal help
All three properties have to be defined to make the action visible in the UI. The
property is the text that is displayed in the toolbar. It should be concise and a second line can be
added with a # separator as in the example above.
The location of the .vmoptions file is under
<JProfiler installation directory>/bin/jprofiler.vmoptions
on Windows and Linux and
on macOS. In addition, there are user-writable
locations under %USERPROFILE%\.jprofiler14\jprofiler.vmoptions
on Windows,
on Linux and $HOME/Library/Preferences/jprofiler.vmoptions
on macOS.