Command Line Executables For Working With Snapshots
When using offline profiling to save snapshots programmatically, it may also be necessary to programmatically extract data or reports from those snapshots. JProfiler offers two separate command line executables, one for exporting views from a snapshot and one for comparing snapshots.
Exporting views from a snapshot
The executable bin/jpexport
exports view data to various formats. If you execute it with
the -help
option, you will get information on the available view names and view options.
For reasons of conciseness, duplicate help texts in the output below have been omitted.
Usage: jpexport "snapshot file" [global options] "view name" [options] "output file" "view name" [options] "output file" ... where "snapshot file" is a snapshot file with one of the extensions: .jps, .hprof, .hpz, .phd, .jfr "view name" is one of the view names listed below [options] is a list of options in the format -option=value "output file" is the output file for the export Global options: -obfuscator=none|proguard|yguard Deobfuscate for the selected obfuscator. Defaults to "none", for other values the mappingFile option has to be specified. -mappingfile=<file> The mapping file for the selected obfuscator. -outputdir=<output directory> Base directory to be used when the output file for a view is a relative file. -ignoreerrors=true|false Ignore errors that occur when options for a view cannot be set and continue with the next view. The default value is "false", i.e., the export is terminated, when the first error occurs. -csvseparator=<separator character> The field separator character for the CSV exports. Defaults to ','. -bitmap=false|true Where appropriate, export a bitmap image instead of SVG for the main content. The default value is false. Available view names and options: * TelemetryHeap, TelemetryObjects, TelemetryThroughput, TelemetryGC, TelemetryClasses, TelemetryThreads, TelemetryCPU Options: -format=html|csv Determines the output format of the exported file. If not present, the export format will be determined from the extension of the output file. -minwidth=<number of pixels> Minimum width of the graph in pixels. The default value is 800. -minheight=<number of pixels> Minimum height of the graph in pixels. The default value is 600. * Bookmarks, ThreadMonitor, CurrentMonitorUsage, MonitorUsageHistory Options: -format=html|csv * AllObjects Options: -format=html|csv -viewfilters=<comma-separated list> Sets view filters for the export. If you set view filters, only the specified packages and their sub-packages will be displayed by the exported view. -viewfiltermode=startswith|endswith|contains|equals Sets the view filter mode. The default value is "contains". -viewfilteroptions=casesensitive Boolean options for the view filter. By default, no options are set. -aggregation=class|package|component Selects the aggregation level for the export. The default value is classes. -expandpackages=true|false Expand package nodes in the package aggregation level to show contained classes. The default value is "false". Has no effect for other aggregation levels and with csv output format. * RecordedObjects like AllObjects, but with additional options: -liveness=live|gc|all Selects the liveness mode for the export, i.e., whether to display live objects, garbage collected objects or both. The default value is live objects. * AllocationTree Options: -format=html|xml -viewfilters=<comma-separated list> -viewfiltermode=startswith|endswith|contains|equals -viewfilteroptions=casesensitive -aggregation=method|class|package|component Selects the aggregation level for the export. The default value is methods. -class=<fully qualified class name> Specifies the class for which the allocation data should be calculated. If empty, allocations of all classes will be shown. Cannot be used together with the package option. -package=<fully qualified package name> Specifies the package for which the allocation data should be calculated. If empty, allocations of all packages will be shown. Cannot be used together with the class option. -liveness=live|gc|all * AllocationHotSpots Options: -format=html|csv|xml -viewfilters=<comma-separated list> -viewfiltermode=startswith|endswith|contains|equals -viewfilteroptions=casesensitive -aggregation=method|class|package|component -class=<fully qualified class name> -package=<fully qualified package name> -liveness=live|gc|all -unprofiledclasses=separately|addtocalling Selects if unprofiled classes should be shown separately or be added to the calling class. The default value is to show unprofiled classes separately. -valuesummation=self|total Determines how the times for hot spots are calculated. Defaults to "self". -expandbacktraces=true|false Expand backtraces in HTML or XML format. The default value is "false". * ClassTracker like TelemetryHeap, but with additional options: -class The tracked class. If missing, the first tracked class is exported. * CallTree Options: -format=html|xml -viewfilters=<comma-separated list> -viewfiltermode=startswith|endswith|contains|equals -viewfilteroptions=casesensitive -aggregation=method|class|package|component -threadgroup=<name of thread group> Selects the thread group for the export. If you specify "thread" as well, the thread will only be searched in this thread group, otherwise the entire thread group will be shown. -thread=<name of thread> Selects the thread for the export. By default, the call tree is merged for all threads. -threadstatus=all|running|waiting|blocking|netio Selects the thread status for the export. The default value is "running". * HotSpots Options: -format=html|csv|xml -viewfilters=<comma-separated list> -viewfiltermode=startswith|endswith|contains|equals -viewfilteroptions=casesensitive -aggregation=method|class|package|component -threadgroup=<name of thread group> -thread=<name of thread> -threadstatus=all|running|waiting|blocking|netio -expandbacktraces=true|false -unprofiledclasses=separately|addtocalling -valuesummation=self|total * OutlierDetection Options: -format=html|csv -threadstatus=all|running|waiting|blocking|netio -viewfilters=<comma-separated list> -viewfiltermode=startswith|endswith|contains|equals -viewfilteroptions=casesensitive * Complexity Options: -format=html|csv|properties -fit=best|constant|linear|quadratic|cubic|exponential|logarithmic|n_log_n The fit that should be exported. The default value is "best". No curve fitting data is exported to CSV. -method=<method name> The method name for which the complexity graph should be exported. If not given, the first method will be exported. Otherwise, the first method name that starts with the given text will be exported. -width=<number of pixels> -height=<number of pixels> * ThreadHistory like TelemetryHeap, but with changed options: -format=html * MonitorUsageStatistics Options: -format=html|csv -type=monitors|threads|classes Selects the entity for which the monitor statistics should be calculated. The default value is "monitors". * ProbeTimeLine like ThreadHistory, but with additional options: -probeid=<id> The internal ID of the probe that should be exported. Run "jpexport --listProbes" to list all available built-in probes and for an explanation of custom probe names. * ProbeControlObjects Options: -probeid=<id> -format=html|csv * ProbeCallTree Options: -probeid=<id> -format=html|xml -viewfilters=<comma-separated list> -viewfiltermode=startswith|endswith|contains|equals|wildcard|regex -viewfilteroptions=exclude,casesensitive -aggregation=method|class|package|component -threadgroup=<name of thread group> -thread=<name of thread> -threadstatus=all|running|waiting|blocking|netio Selects the thread status for the export. The default value is "all". * ProbeHotSpots like ProbeCallTree, but with additional or changed options: -format=html|csv|xml -expandbacktraces=true|false * ProbeTelemetry like TelemetryHeap, but with additional options: -probeid=<id> -telemetrygroup Sets the one-based index of the telemetry group that should be exported. This refers to the entries that you see in the drop-down list above the probe telemetry view. The default value is "1". * ProbeEvents Options: -probeid=<id> -format=html|csv|xml * ProbeTracker like TelemetryHeap, but with additional options: -probeid=<id> -index=<number> Sets the zero-based index of the drop-down list that contains the tracked elements. The default value is 0.
Some examples for using the export executable are:
jpexport test.jps TelemetryHeap heap.html jpexport test.jps RecordedObjects -aggregation=package -expandpackages=true objects.html jpexport test.jps -ignoreerrors=true -outputdir=/tmp/export RecordedObjects objects.csv AllocationTree -class=java.lang.String allocations.xml
Comparing snapshots
The executable bin/jpcompare
compares different snapshots and
exports them to HTML or a machine-readable format. Its -help
output is reproduced below,
again without any duplicate explanations.
Usage: jpcompare "snapshot file"[,"snapshot file",...] [global options] "comparison name" [options] "output file" "comparison name" [options] "output file" ... where "snapshot file" is a snapshot file with one of the extensions: .jps, .hprof, .hpz, .phd, .jfr "comparison name" is one of the comparison names listed below [options] is a list of options in the format -option=value "output file" is the output file for the export Global options: -outputdir=<output directory> Base directory to be used when the output file for a comparison is a relative file. -ignoreerrors=true|false Ignore errors that occur when options for a comparison cannot be set and continue with the next comparison. The default value is "false", i.e., the export is terminated, when the first error occurs. -csvseparator=<separator character> The field separator character for the CSV exports. Defaults to ','. -bitmap=false|true Where appropriate, export a bitmap image instead of SVG for the main content. The default value is false. -sortbytime=false|true Sort the specified snapshot files by modification time. The default value is false. -listfile=<filename> Read a file that contains the paths of the snapshot files, one snapshot file per line. Available comparison names and options: * Objects Options: -format=html|csv Determines the output format of the exported file. If not present, the export format will be determined from the extension of the output file. -viewfilters=<comma-separated list> Sets view filters for the export. If you set view filters, only the specified packages and their sub-packages will be displayed by the exported view. -viewfiltermode=startswith|endswith|contains|equals Sets the view filter mode. The default value is "contains". -viewfilteroptions=casesensitive Boolean options for the view filter. By default, no options are set. -aggregation=class|package|component Selects the aggregation level for the export. The default value is classes. -liveness=live|gc|all Selects the liveness mode for the export, i.e., whether to display live objects, garbage collected objects or both. The default value is live objects. -objects=all|recorded|heapwalker Compare all objects (JVMTI only) or recorded objects, or objects in the heap walker. The default is all objects for .jps files and heapwalker for HPROF/PHD files. * AllocationHotSpots Options: -format=html|csv -viewfilters=<comma-separated list> -viewfiltermode=startswith|endswith|contains|equals -viewfilteroptions=casesensitive -aggregation=method|class|package|component Selects the aggregation level for the export. The default value is methods. -liveness=live|gc|all -unprofiledclasses=separately|addtocalling Selects if unprofiled classes should be shown separately or be added to the calling class. The default value is to show unprofiled classes separately. -valuesummation=self|total Determines how the times for hot spots are calculated. Defaults to "self". -classselection Calculate the comparison for a specific class or package. Specify a package with a wildcard, like 'java.awt.*'. * AllocationTree Options: -format=html|xml -viewfilters=<comma-separated list> -viewfiltermode=startswith|endswith|contains|equals -viewfilteroptions=casesensitive -aggregation=method|class|package|component -liveness=live|gc|all -classselection * HotSpots Options: -format=html|csv -viewfilters=<comma-separated list> -viewfiltermode=startswith|endswith|contains|equals -viewfilteroptions=casesensitive -firstthreadselection Calculate the comparison for a specific thread or thread group. Specify thread groups like 'group.*' and threads in specific thread groups like 'group.thread'. Escape dots in thread names with backslashes. -secondthreadselection Calculate the comparison for a specific thread or thread group. Only available if 'firstthreadselection' is set. If empty, the same value as for 'firstthreadselection' will be used. Specify thread groups like 'group.*' and threads in specific thread groups like 'group.thread'. Escape dots in thread names with backslashes. -threadstatus=all|running|waiting|blocking|netio Selects the thread status for the export. The default value is "running". -aggregation=method|class|package|component -differencecalculation=total|average Selects the difference calculation method for call times. The default value is total times. -unprofiledclasses=separately|addtocalling -valuesummation=self|total * CallTree Options: -format=html|xml -viewfilters=<comma-separated list> -viewfiltermode=startswith|endswith|contains|equals -viewfilteroptions=casesensitive -firstthreadselection -secondthreadselection -threadstatus=all|running|waiting|blocking|netio -aggregation=method|class|package|component -differencecalculation=total|average * TelemetryHeap Options: -format=html|csv -minwidth=<number of pixels> Minimum width of the graph in pixels. The default value is 800. -minheight=<number of pixels> Minimum height of the graph in pixels. The default value is 600. -valuetype=current|maximum|bookmark Type of the value that is calculated for each snapshot. Default is the current value. -bookmarkname If valuetype is set to 'bookmark', the name of the bookmark for which the value should be calculated. -measurements=maximum,free,used Measurements that are shown in the comparison graph. Concatenate multiple values with commas. The default value is 'used'. -memorytype=heap|nonheap Type of the memory that should be analyzed. Default is 'heap'. -memorypool If a special memory pool should be analyzed, its name can be specified with this parameter. The default is empty, i.e. no special memory pool. * TelemetryObjects Options: -format=html|csv -minwidth=<number of pixels> -minheight=<number of pixels> -valuetype=current|maximum|bookmark -bookmarkname -measurements=total,nonarrays,arrays Measurements that are shown in the comparison graph. Concatenate multiple values with commas. The default value is 'total'. * TelemetryClasses like TelemetryObjects, but with changed options: -measurements=total,filtered,unfiltered * TelemetryThreads like TelemetryObjects, but with changed options: -measurements=total,runnable,blocked,netio,waiting * ProbeHotSpots Options: -format=html|csv -viewfilters=<comma-separated list> -viewfiltermode=startswith|endswith|contains|equals|wildcard|regex -viewfilteroptions=exclude,casesensitive -firstthreadselection -secondthreadselection -threadstatus=all|running|waiting|blocking|netio -aggregation=method|class|package|component -differencecalculation=total|average -probeid=<id> The internal ID of the probe that should be exported. Run "jpexport --listProbes" to list all available built-in probes and for an explanation of custom probe names. * ProbeCallTree like ProbeHotSpots, but with changed options: -format=html|xml * ProbeTelemetry like TelemetryObjects, but with additional or changed options: -measurements The one-based indices of the measurements in the telemetry group that are shown in the comparison graph. Concatenate multiple values with commas, like "1,2". The default value is to show all measurements. -probeid=<id> -telemetrygroup Sets the one-based index of the telemetry group that should be exported. This refers to the entries that you see in the drop-down list above the probe telemetry view. The default value is "1".
Automatic output formats
Most views and comparisons support multiple output formats. By default, the output format is deduced from the extension of the output file:
The view or comparison is exported as an HTML file. A directory namedjprofiler_images
will be created that contains images used in the HTML page..csv
The data is exported as CSV data where the first line contains the column names.
When using Microsoft Excel, CSV is not a stable format. Microsoft Excel on Windows takes the separator character from the regional settings. JProfiler uses a semicolon as the separator in locales that use a comma as a decimal separator and a comma in locales that use a dot as a decimal separator. If you need to override the CSV separator character you can do so by setting the global
The data is exported as XML. The data format is self-descriptive.
If you would like to use different extensions, you can use the format
option to override
the choice of the output format.
Analyzing snapshots
If the generated snapshots have heap dumps in them, you can use the
executable to bin/jpanalyzeprepare the heap dump analysis in advance.
Opening the snapshot in the JProfiler GUI will then be very fast. The usage information of the tool is
shown below:
Usage: jpanalyze [options] "snapshot file" ["snapshot file" ...] where "snapshot file" is a snapshot file with one of the extensions: .jps, .hprof, .hpz, .phd, .jfr [options] is a list of options in the format -option=value Options: -obfuscator=none|proguard|yguard Deobfuscate for the selected obfuscator. Defaults to "none", for other values the mappingFile option has to be specified. -mappingfile=<file> The mapping file for the selected obfuscator. -removeunreferenced=true|false If unreferenced or weakly referenced objects should be removed. -retained=true|false Calculate retained sizes (biggest objects). removeunreferenced will be set to true. -retainsoft=true|false If unreferenced objects are removed, specifies if soft references should be retained. -retainweak=true|false If unreferenced objects are removed, specifies if weak references should be retained. -retainphantom=true|false If unreferenced objects are removed, specifies if phantom references should be retained. -retainfinalizer=true|false If unreferenced objects are removed, specifies if finalizer references should be retained.
The removeUnreferenced
, the retained
and all the retain*
command line options correspond to the options in the heap walker options dialog.