Export Ant Task

  The export ant task can be used to export views from a saved snapshot. For more information please consult the overview.
  You can integrate the command line export with your ant script (read about ant at ant.apache.org) by using the export task that is provided in {JProfiler installation directory}/bin/ant.jar.

To make the export task available to ant, you must first insert a taskdef element that tells ant where to find the task definition. Here is an example of using the task in an ant build file:

      <taskdef name="export"
               classpath="C:\Program Files\jprofiler4\bin\ant.jar"/>

      <target name="export">
        <export snapshotfile="c:\home\ingo\test.jps">
          <view name="CallTree" file="calltree.html"/>
          <view name="HotSpots" file="hotspots.html">
            <option name="expandbacktraces" value="true"/>
            <option name="aggregation" value="class"/>

The taskdef definition must occur only once per ant-build file and can appear anywhere on the top level below the project element.

Note: it is not possible to copy the ant.jar archive to the lib folder of your ant distribution. You have to reference a full installation of JProfiler in the task definition.

  The export task supports the following attributes:
snapshotfile The path to the snapshot file. This must be a file with a .jps extension. Yes
session An alternate session from which the view settings should be taken. The session id can be found in the application settings next to the session name. By default, the view settings are taken from the session that is embedded inside the snapshot file. No
ignoreerrors Ignore errors that occur when options for a view cannot be set and continue with the next view. The default value is "false", i.e. the export is terminated, when the first error occurs. No
csvseparator The field separator character for the CSV exports. Defaults to ','. No
obfuscator Deobfuscate class and method names for the selected obfuscator. Defaults to "none", for other values the \"mappingfile\" option has to be specified. One of none, proguard or yguard. No
mappingfile The mapping file for the selected obfuscator. May only be set if the "obfuscator" attribute is specified. Only if "obfuscator" is specified

The export task contains a list of view elements with the following attributes:

name The view name. For a list of available view names, please see the help page on the command line executable. extension. Yes
file The output file name. The process for the output format selection is described in the overview. Yes

The view element can optionally contain a list of option elements with the following attributes:

name The option name. Each view has its own set of options. For a list of available view names and the corresponding options, please see the help page on the command line executable. Yes
value The value of the option. Yes