When you start the jpcontroller executable without arguments, it attempts to connect to
a profiled JVM on the local machine. If multiple profiled JVMs were discovered, you can select one from a list.
Since the discovery mechanism uses the attach API of the Sun/Oracle JVM, this only works for Sun/Oracle JVMs
1.6 and above.
For 1.5 JVMs and other JVM vendors, you have to pass the VM parameter
-Djprofiler.jmxServerPort=[port] to the profiled JVM. An MBean server will be published
on that port and you can specify the chosen port as an argument to jpcontroller.
With the additional VM parameter -Djprofiler.jmxPasswordFile=[file] you can specify a properties
file with key value pairs of the form user=password to set up authentication. Note that these
VM parameters are overridden by the default com.sun.management.jmxremote.port VM parameter.
With the explicit setup of the JMX server, you can use the command line controller to connect to a
remote server. Invoking jpcontroller host:port will try to make a connection to
the remote host host. If the remote computer is only reachable via an IP address, please add
-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=[IP address] as a VM parameter to the remote VM, otherwise the
connection cannot be established.