This event occurs when a method is called. Several methods can be configured for the same action sequence. Besides the standard actions, there are several special actions for this trigger type.
The second step of the trigger wizard will then be the "Specify methods" step. Here you can edit the list of methods for which this trigger will be activated. There are several ways to enter new methods:
The context menu for the list of methods offers the option to edit existing entries.
In addition, all views with call trees offer the possibility to select methods for a method trigger in the context menu.
By default, the method trigger event is not fired for recursive calls. This means that if a method M is being called and later on in the call stack method M is called again, the event is only fired for the first invocation of method M. If you deselect the check box Ignore recursive calls, the event will be fired for all invocations of a method.
Requirements: Java 1.4+
This event occurs when the heap usage exceeds a certain threshold in percent of the maximum heap size for a minimum period of time.
The second step of the trigger wizard will then be the "Threshold" step. Here you can configure the
Requirements: Java 1.5+
This event occurs when the CPU load exceeds a certain threshold in percent for a minimum period of time.
The second step of the trigger wizard will then be the "Threshold" step which is explained above for the "Heap usage threshold" trigger with the only difference that the threshold value is the CPU load in percent.
Requirements: Java 1.6+
This event occurs when an OutOfMemoryException is thrown. You can only save an HPROF snapshot in this case since the trigger works by adding -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError to the VM options. Also, this trigger only works with a Java 6+ Hotspot JVM.
With a timer trigger, you can periodically execute a certain set of actions, such as saving a snapshot.
The second step of the trigger wizard will then be the "Timer" step where you can configure the following properties of the timer:
With a JVM startup trigger, you can execute a certain set of actions right after the JVM is started for profiling. The actual execution is performed right after the trigger subsystem has been initialized in the profiling agent.
With a JVM exit trigger, you can execute a certain set of actions right before the JVM is shut down. This is implemented with a standard shutdown hook, so code in other shutdown hooks may be executed after the associated actions.