JProfiler's Menu

JProfiler's toolbar and menu contain actions applicable to all views as well as actions which are view-sensitive or appear for certain views only. The common menu and toolbar entries fall into six categories:
  The session menu contains actions to create, open and close sessions and snapshots.
  • Start center
    (CTRL-O) Brings up JProfiler's start center. If there already is an open session in the current window, it will be discarded once a new session is opened.
  • New window
    (CTRL-ALT-O) Opens a new instance of JProfiler's main window and brings up JProfiler's start center.
  • Compare snapshots in new window
    Opens a new snapshot comparison window and shows the file chooser for selecting multiple snapshots.
  • Stop/Detach/Start/Attach current session
    •  Stops the current session (all session types except remote session), i.e. the process is destroyed. In a stopped session, the profiling views are not fully functional (visible if currently started and not remote session).
    •  Detaches the current remote session. The profiled JVM will be detached from JProfiler's front end and continues to run undisturbed. In a detached session, the profiling views are not fully functional (visible if currently attached and remote session).
    • Starts the application configured in the current session if it is an application session, applet session or Web Start session (visible if currently detached and not remote session).
    • Attaches the current remote session to a remote application or reconnects to it. (visible if currently detached and remote session).
  • New session
    (CTRL-N) Creates a new session and brings up the application settings dialog. The new session will be started after leaving the dialog with [OK]. If there is already an open session in the current window, it will be discarded.
  • Quick attach
    Opens a dialog that shows you all locally running JVMs. You can attach to a JVM and profile it without the need for modifying the start command of the JVM.
  • Integration wizards
    This sub-menu contains the starting points for the application server integration wizards, just like the "New session" tab on the start center.
  • Conversion wizards
    This sub-menu contains the starting points for the conversion wizards, just like the "Convert" tab on the start center.
  • Open session
    Brings up the open session dialog. If there already is an open session in the current window, it will be discarded once a new session is opened.
  • Export session settings
    Brings up a dialog where you can export settings for selected sessions to an external config file.
  • Import session settings
    Brings up a dialog where you can import settings for selected sessions from an external config file.
  • Save snapshot
    (CTRL-S) Brings up a file chooser to select a snapshot file to be written. A dialog box informs about the successful completion of the operation.
  • Open snapshot
    Brings up a file chooser to select a snapshot file to be opened. If there already is an open session in the current window, it will be discarded.
  • Session settings
    Brings up the session settings dialog.
  • General settings
    Brings up the general settings dialog.
  • IDE integrations
    Short cut to the IDE integrations tab of the general settings dialog where you can integrate all supported IDEs.
  • Close session
    Closes the current session. If there is an open session in the current window, you will be asked for confirmation. The window will be kept open and reverted to its original state.
  • Close window
    (CTRL-W) Closes the current window. If there is an open session in the current window, you will be asked for confirmation.
  • Exit JProfiler
    (CTRL-ALT-X) After confirmation, closes all open main windows and exits JProfiler.
Selected actions from the session menu are added to the "session" section of the tool bar.
  The view menu contains view-specific actions and gives access to the view settings dialog. View specific actions are described in the help page of the corresponding views.
  • Export view
    (CTRL-R) Most views have the capability to export their contents as HTML, CSV or XML.
  • View settings
    (CTRL-T) Brings up the view settings dialog for the corresponding view. If disabled, the currently active view has no particular settings.
Selected actions from the view menu are added to the "view-specific" section of the tool bar.
  The profiling menu contains actions which change the window or session as a whole.
  • Start recordings
    The sub-menu contains recording all configured recording profiles that allow you to change the set of active recordings with a single click. In addition, it contains entries to  configure recording profiles and  save the current recordings to a new profile.
  • Stop recordings
    (F8) With this action you can stop all recordings with a single click.
  • Start / Change request tracking
    (CTRL-F8) Brings up the request tracking dialog. This action is also available from JProfiler's status bar.
  • Enable triggers
    This action is also available from JProfiler's status bar and toggles the trigger execution state
    • Enable triggers. (visible if triggers are currently not enabled). Adds a bookmark with a solid line to all graph views with a time axis.
    • Disable triggers. (visible if triggers are currently disabled). Adds a bookmark with a dashed line to all graph views with a time axis.
  • Enable trigger groups
    Brings up a dialog to enable or disable groups of triggers.
  • Save HPROF snapshot
    Brings up a dialog to select a path for an HPROF snapshot file to be saved. A dialog box informs about the successful completion of the operation.
  • Run garbage collector
    Run the garbage collector in the profiled JVM.
  • Add bookmark
    Add a bookmark in all graph views with a time axis. Bookmarks can be renamed or deleted by right-clicking them and choosing the appropriate action from the context menu. Bookmarks can also be set programmatically from the profiling API.
  • Edit bookmarks
    Brings up a dialog where you can edit all existring bookmarks.
  • Show global filters for method call recording
    Shows the configuration of the filter definitions that JProfiler uses when recording the call tree. This action is also available at the bottom of several views that show call trees.
Selected actions from the profiling menu are added to the "profiling" section of the tool bar.
  The window menu allows you to keep track of all tops level windows created by JProfiler.
  • Undock/Dock view
    (CTRL-E) This action is also available from the context menu when right clicking the view in the tab selector at the bottom of the window.
    • Undocks the view and shows it in a separate top level window. (visible if the currently active view is docked into the main window)
    • Docks the view and returns it to the main window. (visible if the currently active view is undocked)
  • Dock all floating views
    Docks all currently undocked views into their main windows.
  • Cycle to previous window
    (CTRL-F2) Activate the previous window in the window list and bring it to the front.
  • Cycle to next window
    (CTRL-F3) Activate the next window in the window list and bring it to the front.
  • Tile all undocked views
    Tile the desktop with all undocked views.
  • Stack all undocked views
    Resize all undocked views to a standard size and stack them regularly on the desktop.
  • Close unused console windows
    Close all console windows that do not have an active process associated with them.
At the bottom of the window menu you can directly navigate to a window by selecting it from the list.
  The help menu gives access to help, web sites, and useful e-mail addresses for JProfiler.
  • Help contents
    (F1) Brings up context sensitive help. This action is also available from JProfiler's toolbar.
  • Show quickstart dialog
    (SHIFT-F1) Brings up the quickstart dialog.
  • Screencasts for JProfiler
    Opens the web page with screen casts for JProfiler in your browser.
  • Check for update
    Opens the updater which checks for a new JProfiler version in the same major series.
  • Purchase JProfiler online
    Opens the online shop for JProfiler in your browser.
  • Contact sales
    Brings up a sales contact form in your browser.
  • Contact support
    Brings up a support contact form in your browser.
  • JProfiler on the web
    Opens the main web site for JProfiler in your browser.
  • Enter license key
    Allows you to enter your license key.
  • About JProfiler
    Shows general information about your copy of JProfiler and its license status.