Zooming And Navigating In Graphs

Some of JProfiler's profiling views are displayed as graphs.
  The zoom level for these graphs can be adjusted in the following ways:
  • Zoom in by rolling the mouse wheel toward you with the CTRL or CMD key pressed, clicking on the  zoom in toolbar button or choosing the corresponding entry from the context menu.
  • Zoom out by rolling the mouse wheel away from you with the CTRL or CMD key pressed, clicking on the  zoom out toolbar button or choosing the corresponding entry from the context menu.
  • Zoom to 100% by clicking on the  zoom 100% toolbar button or choosing the corresponding entry from the context menu.
  • Fit graph to window by clicking on the  fit content toolbar button or choosing the corresponding entry from the context menu.
On macOS, pinch to zoom works for graphs as well.

To zoom in on a particular object, you can select it first and then use the zoom in action described above.

  Besides using the scrollbars and the screoll wheel to navigate to other parts of the graph you can drag the graph with the mouse to move it.

If you click on an edge for which the target node is not shown, CTRL/CMD-clicking will navigate to the target node and highlight it. If the origin node is not shown, SHIFT-CTRL/CMD-clicking will perform the reverse navigation.

After you select a node, CTRL-C (CMD-C) will copy the contained text into the clipboard. If no node is selected, the text of the currently display tool tip (if any) will be copied to the clipboard instead.

  Graphs implement quick search functionality. The search algorithm tries to traverse the matches in a row-based order.