The allocation options dialog is displayed if you execute the calculate action for the allocation call tree view or the allocation hot spots view. It allows you to specify parameters that determine the information contained in the call tree. Your selection will then be displayed at the top of both views. The allocation call tree and the allocation hot spots are always calculated together, so the settings in this dialog apply to both views. |
The allocation call tree and allocation hot spots can display:
The allocation call tree can show objects according to their liveness status:
By default, the data in the allocation call tree and allocation hot spots views will not be updated automatically. If you would like to periodically update the views with the current data, select the Auto-update the allocation views check box. Please note that for large heaps this can incur a significant performance overhead. |
When you click on [OK], the allocation tree and the allocation hot spots are calculated. If you have a large heap, this can take a few seconds. If you click cancel, no new allocation tree and allocation hot spots will be calculated. |