Probe Tracker

  The events view shows the raw measurements that form the basis for the more high-level probe views. Each measurement is called an "event" and is shown as a separate row in the table.

By default, when you start probe recording, event recording is not enabled. While the probe always processes all events, in this mode it discards them immediately after updating the higher-level measurements in order to minimize overhead. For example, a non-trivial compound file operation will quickly accumulate several hundred thousand single events.

There is a separate recording button in the events view whose state corresponds to the "Record single events" check box in the probe settings. The state of the button is persistent, so if you start event recording once, it will be automatically be started for the next session.

For custom probes, call in the meta data script to enable event recording.

  Each event is described by several columns which are common for all probes:
  • Start time
    The time that marks the start of the selected event.
  • Event type
    The type of the event. This includes all control object states as described in the probes overview as well as "open" and "close" events if the probe publishes control objects.
  • Duration
    The duration of the event.
  • Control object ID
    If the probe publishes control objects, this column contains the ID of the associated control object.
  • Description
    The description of the event. If the probe publishes payload data, this is the same as the payload name displayed in the hot spots view.
  • Thread
    The thread on which the event takes place. An event always takes place on a single thread.
Probes can publish additional columns in the events view. However, no built-in probes in JProfiler currently use this feature.

At the bottom the of the table, there is a special total row that sums all summable columns in the table. For the default columns this only includes the "Duration" column, Together with the filter selector described below, you can analyze the collected data for selected subsets of events.

Below the main table, the call stack of the selected event is shown. This is the call stack of the payload and forms the basis of the hot spot calculation.

  For certain probes, such as the "JPA/Hibernate" probe, events can contain secondary events (JDBC statements in the JPA/Hibernate case) that can be opened with an expand control at the left side of the table row.
  Some probes, such as the "JPA/Hibernate" probe have "deferred" and "direct" operations, this is indicated in the call stack with a top-level direct or deferred entry. See the probe hot spot view for more on this topic.
  At the top of the view, there is a filter selector. You can use it to restrict the displayed control objects by
  • Status
    From the combo box you can choose the event type that should be shown. Please see the probe overview for the probe-specific event types.
  • Name
    In the text box you can enter the full name of a control object or only a part of it. Only control objects whose names begin with this fragment are displayed. You can also use wildcards ("*" and "?") to select groups of control objects. Please note that if you use wildcards, you have to manually append a trailing "*" if desired. You can display the union of multiple filters at the same time by separating multiple filter expressions with commas, e.g. test-, MyTest-*-123.

By default, the filter works on all available columns. In order to be more specific, you can select a particular column from the "Filter by" drop-down list. This is useful, for example, to show a control object with a particular ID without getting spurious matches from other columns.

  When you right-click an event row, the context menu contains a "Show control object for selected event" action that allows you to jump to the control objects view and display the associated control object, if available.