Besides the pre-defined system telemetries, you can add your own telemetries to the
telemetry section.
With the add button in the tool bar, you can
quickly add a new telemetry view with a single data line.
Multiple data lines can be set up with with the configure button in the tool bar. In the configuration dialog you can also add and remove custom telemetries. When adding new data lines, the insertion point depends on the current selection. If an existing telemetry is selected, the new data line will be added to that telemetry, otherwise a new telemetry will be added. You can collate existing data lines into a single telemetry by using the move up and move down buttons in the custom telemetry configuration dialog, which let data lines be moved across telemetry view boundaries. If a telemetry ends up being empty, you have to delete it before you can successfully close the configuration dialog. When adding a telemetry line in such a way that it is not added to an existing telemetry, a telemetry view item will be created automatically, with an automatically generated name. The telemetry view item can be edited. The following properties that apply to all data lines can be configured:
Data lines can collect their data from two different sources: