Non-profit open source projects with an established web site and a released product can apply for an open source project license for install4j in exchange for a link to

Preferably, the link should be a text link including the words "multi-platform installer builder". The link must not contain the "nofollow" attribute. If you need an icon, please use one of these images:

install4j install4j install4j 

You can link to or host these images.

Please fill out the following form in order to apply. The processing time may be up to 24 hours.

We are interested to know on what page you will place the link. We prefer the front page or the download page. If the link will not be placed on the above page, please specify the page.
We provide licenses for core committers of a project. Please indicate the maximum number of developers in your project who will use install4j.

The licensing information will be sent to you by email. Please take special care to enter your email address correctly.