“Within 1 hour I had created a brand new and fully functional installer for LandlordMax, including time to read a couple of advance features in the user manual! That's amazing! Not only that, but if you consider the human resource costs of learning an installer like NSIS and the cost of Install4J, Install4J wins hands down! I did mention that we were using InstallAnywhere as well. After trying Install4J, we decided to convert entirely over to Install4J and stop using InstallAnywhere. It was a good product for us at the time, but it's now time to move on to a great product like Install4J.”

Stephane Grenier, Founder
LandlordMax Software Inc.

“I recently switched from InstallAnywhere and could not be more pleased. Your product is fantastic and very easy to use. I converted over three InstallAnywhere projects in about 30 minutes and am very very happy. Keep up the great work! I have also used your JProfiler product and the similarities in the user experience greatly helped.”

Tom Markel, Founder

“This has been a HUGE help for us. We’ve been struggling to find a solution for replacing our applets for years now, literally. Because of the type of data we handle (DICOM medical imaging data), there are no alternatives for client-side handling in the browser. We’ve wanted to convert our applets to stand-alone Java applications, but have always run into problems getting them to work properly as applications as well as having easy-to-use installers for all of the platforms our users are on. After having messed with all kinds of other tools, within an hour of starting with install4j, I had a working cross-platform installer and application for Windows and macOS. Simply outstanding!”

Rick Herrick, XNAT
Washington University in St.Louis

“I downloaded the trial NEVER have I done Java packaging before. With really no trouble I was able to configure an installer for my JavaFX 2 (2.1) application and get it working fine. It really took like 2 hours to figure it all out. But I am blown away with how awesome your software is.”

Riley Porter
Owner of Synthetos.com

“After having used InstallAnywhere for about three years, we recently migrated to install4j. I can't say enough how much better our experience has been. We've found install4j to be much more intuitive and feature-rich. We were able to migrate our installers with few bumps in the road. The support we got in the process was excellent, which is a stark contrast to the support we got when using InstallAnywhere, which was almost non-existent. Anyone considering InstallAnywhere should give install4j a serious look. Having used them both extensively, I would highly recommend install4j over InstallAnywhere.”

Todd Wilson

“I just want to say that your product is one of the best I have ever worked with. I find it intuitive, easy to set up and I like the options it gives> us and our customers. I was very pleased at how well it works for installation on the various Unix boxes we support. We previously used InstallShield, which often would not display the screens correctly and sometimes not install at all. I also want to thanks you for your quick responses whenever I have had a question or problem. You have a first class product and first class support. Thanks again!”

Joe Southern
Applied Material

“CodeFutures did extensive market research and product testing prior to choosing install4j. Not only did we find that install4j was technically very strong, we also concluded that it offers the best price-performance ratio of any of the products available on the market. We've seamlessly integrated install4j into our build process - it's 100% reliable and produces perfect installers for Windows, Linux, Unix, and macOS.”

Andy Grove, CTO

“Over last weekend, I needed to build some installers for several different platforms for a new application we're working on. Over the years, I've looked at different installer packages for Java and hadn't found one that made building enterprise quality installers really easy. install4j by ej-technologies finally filled that void for me. For a modest price, you can package your Java applications in native, customizable installers that provide your application with all the native hooks that your customers have come to expect from product installers. install4j even solves the often-painful process of packaging a JRE with your application. They allow you to download a specific JRE for each platform and package your application with it, forcing your application to run with that packaged JRE. This is a great option, especially if you'd like to focus on Java 5 development and don't mind the extra 12Mb that JRE tacks on. So, if you're looking for a good installer program, check it out!”

Matthew Schmidt

“We've been long-time users of Zero G's InstallAnywhere. We recently made the switch to install4j and couldn't be happier. We've found install4j simpler to use, and the generated installers offer a better end-user experience for our customers.”

Matt Tucker, CTO
Jive Software

“We left InstallShield and switched to install4j. We were up and running in one day, and our installation-related support calls almost disappeared after we released our new installer. When our customers are happier, we're happier. install4j has the features we require without the steep learning curve of the bigger packages.”

Brian Leach

“I wanted to say congratulations on a superb product in install4j. As a java software developer since 1996, I truly appreciate such a highly professional and polished product. You have clearly paid a lot of attention to detail which is something many other products miss.”

Mark Carter

“install4j is simple and intuitive, yet powerful and feature rich. Unlike most other installers, we do not need to become experts on installers! We can focus on what we do best, system integration.”

Frik Strecker, CEO
GatherWorks, Inc.

“When we were deciding between installers your product stood out for its ease of use, extensibility and cross platform support. Great work!”

Justin Foster
Third Brigade

“I had used InstallAnywhere in the past on other projects and find install4j to be far superior. It has elevated the quality and "polish" of my product significantly and I am very pleased with the results.”

David Searle

“I just wanted to tell you how absolutely amazing install4j is. I am totally blown away and impressed at how easy it was. I had budgeted 10 days of fiddling around to get our product distributable with a native Windows installer and using your evaluation I did it in about 1 hour. I *immediately* grabbed my credit card and purchased install4j after that evaluation. Thank you so much for the incredible work you're doing.”

Joe Howe
Folding Rain Filmwork

“Just wanted to let you know that I love your product, especially your UI. I have been using the product for a couple of years now, and I just went through my installers and updated them and found the UI to be very easy to use. Keep up the great work!”

Francis Upton
Oakland Software Incorporated

“I worked with install4j in a startup project back in 2006. And now again for a new product with a different company. It's great to see how install4j has matured over the years. Working with it today is fun and it saves me so much time. It's a great product!"”

Thomas Studer
nCubate Software GmbH