Merged Projects Edit Dialog

  The merged projects edit dialog is shown when adding or editing a merged project on the Merged Projects tab of the General settings step. Please read help topic on merged projects for more information.
  You can select a project file with the ... button. Relative path names are interpreted relative to the main project file. The full name of the project as configured on the Application Info tab is extracted and displayed in the text field below. That name is displayed in the list of merged projects and it can be changed for documentation purposes. The name is not used at runtime.

In the Merge Settings section of the dialog, you can configure which entities should be merged into the main project:

  • Files
    If selected, all files from the default file set of the merged project will be merged into the default file set of the main project. Files from other file sets in the merged project will be merged to file sets with the same name in the main project.
  • Launchers
    If selected, all launchers in the merged project will be added to the main project.
  • Custom installer applications
    If selected, all custom installer applications in the merged project will be added to the main project.

All selections are transitive for nested merged projects. For example, if the merged project contains another merged project for which merging of files is enabled, those files are only merged if file merging is enabled in the main project.

  Screens and actions are not merged automatically. On the Screens & Actions tab you can merge single elements from merged projects such as screen groups or action groups at any point.