General Settings - Merged Projects

  On this tab of the General Settings step you can configure other projects that are merged into the main project. Please read the help topic on merged projects for more information.
  The control buttons on the right allow you to modify the merged projects:
  •  Add a merged project (key INS)
    Invokes the merged projects edit dialog. If you have chosen to merge files and the merged project contains file sets that are not present in the current project, you will be asked whether you want to create the missing file sets (see below) after you close the merged projects edit dialog with the OK button.
  •  Edit a merged project (key ENTER)
    Invokes the merged projects edit dialog for the selected item, so that you change merge settings.
  •  Remove a merged project (key DEL)
    Removes the currently selected merged projects. If you have added links into the merged projects on the screens & actions tab, these links will be broken and the project will not be able to compile until you remove those broken links.
  •  Enable or disable merged projects (keys ALT+Plus and ALT+Minus)
    You can temporarily disable merged projects when developing your main project. If you have added links into the merged projects on the screens & actions tab, these links will simply be omitted.
  •  Synchronize file sets
    Inspects the selected file sets and suggests that missing file sets be added to the main project. This is also done when you add a merged project, but if file sets in merged projects change later on, you might want to synchronize the file sets again. File sets are displayed in the definition of the distribution tree. This action only checks merged projects for which you have chosen to merge files.
  •  Move up (key ALT-UP)
     Move down (key ALT-DOWN)
    Changes the order in the list of merged projects. The order can be significant if several projects contribute files with the same paths. Later merged projects overwrite files from earlier merged projects, so you have to move a merged project down in order to give it a higher priority. The main project always has the highest priority.