JDK Configuration For Code Editor And Script Compilation

  The JDK configuration dialog is displayed when you click the [Configure JDKs] button in the general settings dialog, the editor settings dialog or the code editor session settings.

In this dialog, you can add one or more JDKs that will be available for the purposes explained on the script editor help page.

  When you add a new JDK, you are asked for the home directory of the JDK that you want to enter. Instead of a JDK, you can also select a JRE, in which case no parameter names will be available in the code completion proposals of JDK methods. After you select the home directory, JProfiler will check whether the directory contains a JDK or JRE and runs java -version to determine the version of the selected JDK or JRE.

The table that shows the configured JDKs has several columns:

  • Name

    Double-click on the "Name" column to change the name of the JDK. This name is used for JDK selection in drop-down lists.

    When you add a JDK, the name "JDK [major version].[minor version]" will be suggested by default. If the selection is a JRE, "JRE [major version].[minor version]" will be suggested instead. The name of the JDK configuration must be unique.

  • Java Home Directory
    This is the Java home directory that you selected when you added the configuration. You can change the Java home directory by editing this column. The Java version check will be performed again and the version displayed in the "Java Version" column will be updated. The name of the configuration will not be changed.
  • Javadoc Directory
    In this column, you can enter the location of the Javadoc that should be associated with this JDK configuration. The Javadoc directory can remain empty in which case no context-sensitive Javadoc help will be available for classes from the runtime library.
  • Java Version
    This uneditable column shows the version of the selected JDK configuration.

When you delete the JDK configuration that is currently used by a session, the session will still reference the same configured name for the JDK. It will then be shown in red color with a [not configured] message attached.

  The default JDK for sessions that do not explicitly set a JDK in the can be configured in their code editor settings can be configured in the general settings.