JRE Configuration For Launched Sessions

  The JRE configuration dialog is displayed when you click the [Configure JREs] button in the general settings dialog, or the application settings.

JRE configurations are used by profiling sessions that are launched by JProfiler. Any changes you make to an existing JRE configuration directly affect the sessions which already use it.

  When you  add a new JRE in the JRE configuration dialog, a file chooser is brought up and prompts you for the selection of the home directory of the JVM (e.g. c:\Program Files\Java\jre or /usr/lib/java). The selected virtual machine will be checked for usability by JProfiler and depending on success, a new entry in the JRE table is added.

The table that shows the configured JREs has several columns:

  • Double-click on the "Name" column to change the name of the JRE configuration. This name is used for JRE selection in the application settings dialog.
  • Double-click on "Java home directory" and enter a directory manually or click on the button labeled [...] to change the home directory of an existing JRE configuration. The new directory will be accepted only if the directory contains a JVM which is usable by JProfiler.
  • Choose the JVM Mode from the "JVM Mode" combo box. This setting is initially set to the preferred value for the chosen JVM. See the remote session invocation table for details on this option.

If you  delete an existing JRE configuration, all sessions which currently use the deleted JVM will remain without an associated JVM and will be unusable until you assign them a new one in the application settings dialog.

  You can search for JREs by clicking the  search button on the right hand side of the dialog. This invokes the search wizard which corresponds to the functionality found in JProfiler's setup wizard. The search wizard shows all JREs found on your local fixed drives, but only new JREs will be merged into the JRE table.
  The default JRE for new sessions can be configured in the general settings.