
  All built-in database probes are described on the help page of the databases section. Here, only configuration aspects of those probes are discussed. For general information on the concepts behind probes, see the corresponding help topic.

Click on a probe to display the configuration panel. The following common configuration options are available for each probe:

  • Enabled or disabled
    If a probe is disabled, the bytecode instrumentation required by that particular probe will not be performed. Disabling a probe may be useful for trouble-shooting or minimization of overhead. Note that the overhead of a probe that is enabled but not recording is very small.
  • Record single events
    Data in the probe events view is only recorded if this option is selected. Recording single events may add noticeable overhead depending on the activities of the profiled application. Other probe views are not affected by this setting. Once the session is running, the events view of each probe also shows a recording button in the tool bar
  • Annotate into call tree
    Select this option, if you would like to see payload data from the probe hot spots view in the call tree view. In this way, you get additional information in-place when analyzing performance problems in the call tree view. You can deselect this option in order to minimize overhead.
  The following built-in probes have particular configuration options:
  • JDBC

    If required, you can choose to resolve parameters of prepared statements. By default, those parameters are shown as question marks in the hot spots view and the event view. Resolving these parameters makes the hot spots view more cluttered, but can be useful for debugging purposes.

    To group unprepared statements in the hot spots view, you can select the "Replace literals in unprepared statements" option. JProfiler analyzes the SQL statement and tries to replace literals with question marks. For certain SQL dialects and delimiter options, this may have no effect or yield partial replacements. By default, this literal replacement is not performed in the events view of the JDBC probe. The "Keep literals for events view" option can be deselected to change this behavior.

    To activate the connection leaks analysis when probe recording is started, select the "Record open virtual connections for connection leak analysis" check box. Once the session is running, the "Connection leaks" view of the JDBC probe also shows a recording button that allows you to switch the connection leak detection on and off.

  • JPA/Hibernate
    The JPA/Hibernate probe supports a number of providers, like Hibernate 3.x+, openJPA 2.1+ and eclipselink 2.3+. You can deselect providers in the probe configuration.
  • MongoDB
    By default, the MongoDB probe removes primitive data from JSON objects that are used in queries and replaces them with question marks in the hot spots view and the event view. This is necessary to be able to group similar queries and reduce memory consumption. If required, you can choose to keep primitive data in the events view.