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Release 4.1

New features:

  • Support for Hibernate 6
  • Full support for monitoring with Java 21, including virtual threads

Bug fixes:

  • Regression in 4.0.2: Units for lower and upper bounds of thresholds were not saved and were always set to the first element in the drop-down
  • GC telemetry did not show any data under some circumstances
  • Fixed NPE in transaction-based views, when moving to a period with available data after showing a period with no available data
  • Class browser failed to show if multiple classes with the same name existed
  • The timeline actions in the memory view did not work in comparison mode
  • Previous service accounts are now preserved when installing a perfino update on Windows
  • The "Send test mail" button in the installation wizard did not work
  • When the "vmUseSsl" property in perfino.properties was set to true, the agent keystore file was not automatically added to the agent files that are downloaded from the perfino UI
  • Fixed NPE during LDAP lookup
Release 4.0.4

New features:

  • Dark mode for documentation
  • Support for fine-grained CPU profiling on macOS ARM (Apple Silicon)
  • Support for monitoring Java 18

Bug fixes:

  • "Show" action in the MBean operation result window did not work
  • Fixed a problem where the agent would continue to record too much data if it could not reach the perfino server for extended periods of time
  • Fine-grained CPU recording action did not work with Java 8 on Linux
  • Users that were created automatically through LDAP had no access rights for JVM groups
  • Fixed SSL compatibility issues with some SMTP servers
Release 4.0.3

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed SSL connection problem for encrypted agent communication with recent Java releases
Release 4.0.2

New features:

  • Full support for monitoring with Java 16

Bug fixes:

  • When deleting snapshots or VMs, the table was not refreshed
Release 4.0.1

New features:

  • Added support for Jakarta EE 9

Bug fixes:

  • Regression in 4.0: Time line actions in data views did not work anymore
  • Regression in 4.0: Hierarchy in sampling views was broken for long call chains
  • Fixed exception when clicking the "Choose transaction" button in the hot spots view when no hotspots were shown
  • Some warning labels were unreadable in dark mode
Release 4.0

New features:

  • HTTP probe
  • Dark mode
  • Responsive UI
  • Recording of JFR snapshots in VMs view and with a trigger action
  • Webhook trigger action
  • Trigger action for taking shallow memory snapshots
  • LDAP authentication
  • Options for showing a logarithmic and frozen y-axis in telemetries
  • The maximum retention time for transactions is now configurable
  • The perfino server can now run with Java 11 in addition to Java 8
  • Keyboard support for tables
  • The perfino agent no longer depends on the java.desktop module
  • Configurable window title

Bug fixes:

  • Do not trigger a lower bound threshold violation for average time telemetries if there were no transactions or probe events
Release 3.2.3

New features:

  • Support for monitoring with Java 13

Bug fixes:

  • JProfiler installation detection did not work anymore since the top-level directory in the JProfiler archives contain the full version number
  • Fixed a memory leak in the data collector
  • Fixed a StackOverflowExceptions in the agent
Release 3.2.2

New features:

  • Full support for monitoring with Java 11
Release 3.2.1

Bug fixes:

  • Transaction graph in the dashboard did not advance fast enough, leading to an incorrect time scale
  • Fixed a memory leak in the telemetry drop-down
  • Periodic heap snapshot options were always taken from a subgroup even when it did not override that setting
Release 3.2

New features:

  • Full support for monitoring with Java 10
  • Added a "contextPath" property in perfino.properties that adds a prefix to the URL. This is useful if the web server is behind a reverse proxy.
  • Support for mongoDB 3.6
  • Support for Wildfly 12
  • Left clicking on data points in telemetries now shows the context menu
  • The documentation is now also available as an eBook that can be downloaded from web site

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a rare class loader dead lock during instrumentation
  • Threshold configurations for telemetries with a unit of "milliseconds" had an invalid default unit selection for lower and upper bounds
  • Improved robustness of the database during crashes
  • Fixed an NPE when the URL query string was empty and parameters were used for the transaction name. This could lead to unrecorded transactions.
Release 3.1

New features:

  • Full support for monitoring with Java 9
  • Support for HBase 1.3
  • Support for Cassandra DataStax driver 3.3
  • Support for mongoDB 3.4
  • Support for Axis2 1.7 and CXF 3.1
  • JDBC, Cassandra and MongoDB telemetries are now stacked area graphs showing recorded and unrecorded statements separately
  • Added an "Auto-scroll to end" check box to the log viewers

Bug fixes:

  • The telemetry overview did not work for single VMs
  • The time range for "Recently seen JVMs" in the VMs view was always one hour. Now it is set to the selected sparkline range
  • Telemetry consolidation data was not created for all VMs
  • Set actions were not disabled when the recording settings were shown in the installer
  • Threshold bounds in the configuration were limited to 8 digits
  • Scrollbar for view selector was missing in VM data view
  • View filters in transaction-based views were not removed when switching top-level views
  • Some monitoring data directly before a thread death may not have been recorded
  • Hiding data in charts and telemetries by clicking on legend items was not persistent across data updates
  • Hiding data in charts and telemetries by clicking on legend items did not adjust the scale of the y-axis
  • Gracefully handle multiple perfino -javaagent VM parameters on the command line
  • Timelines in the call tree view did not use the "Split" policy selection and always showed merged policies
Release 3.0

New features:

  • Micro service-friendly licensing scheme, with one perfino license you can now monitor an unlimited number of JVMs
  • An overload protection mechanism now prevents service degradation due to misconfiguration
  • Hot backups of the database via the REST API
  • Separate databases for config data and recording data
  • Reduced size of the database
  • Problems view in the dashboard
  • Improved transactions view in the dashboard
  • Drill-down directly from the dashboard
  • Transaction timeline for call tree and hot spot views
  • More time ranges in telemetries, added zoom buttons at the top and in the context menu
  • Double clicking on telemetries zooms in
  • Inline navigation buttons when hovering at the edges of telemetries
  • Context menu actions in telemetries for jumping to call tree, hot spot and other related views
  • Animated vertical scale changes for telemetries
  • After a temporary network problem, the browser UI can now reconnect to the server
  • Icons in call tree are now colored corresponding to their policy violation type
  • The UI now survives temporary network connection problems and reconnects to the backend automatically

Bug fixes:

  • First RMI call that passed a callback object was not recorded correctly
  • Call graph: Selected nodes were not auto-scrolled into view when the detail panel was shown
Release 2.0.2

New features:

  • Web transactions: Show full URLs in the "Method sampling" view
  • Web transactions: Numeric IDs in URL segments are now replaced with an <id> placeholder by default. In the config dialog of the naming element there is a checkbox to avoid this replacement.
  • MBean browser: Always add "ObjectName" attribute
  • MBean browser: Show keys in MBean tree
  • When double-clicking on the "Naming" and "Policies" columns in the transaction definition list, go directly to the corresponding step in the wizard

Bug fixes:

  • Probe hot spots views: When expanding and collapsing the comparison area, the layout of the header area was broken
Release 2.0.1

Bug fixes:

  • Bundled Jetty server was vulnerable to the Logjam attack
  • JRE bundles are now Java 8 to avoid problems with weak ephemeral Diffie-Hellman keys
  • Improved performance of transaction consolidation
  • Fixed JDBC connection problems with older MySQL versions
Release 2.0

New features:

  • Free for development with a single VM monitoring and 24 hour historical data
  • New look for the web frontend
  • Added an MBean browser view
  • Configurable telemetries based on MBean data
  • Enhanced Devops telemetries to match capabilities of MBean telemetries
  • REST API for exporting recorded data
  • Probe data in dashboard
  • Support for running the web frontend on Jetty 9 and Tomcat 8
  • Updated bundled Jetty web server to Jetty 9.2.6

Bug fixes:

  • The login form would not remember the user/password combination for recent versions of Chrome and Firefox
  • Made auto-update of agent more robust when a perfino upgrade is performed
Release 1.0.1

New features:

  • Only use one external port for RMI communication between collector and UI, making it possible to deploy collector and UI in different networks separated by a firewall

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed rounding issue for maximum display range of sparklines when maximum values where close to 1
  • Updated bundled Jetty web server to 8.1.16
  • Updated bundled H2 database to 1.3.176
Release 1.0

New features:

  • Initial release